Deconstruct Ego, Integrate Shadow, Manifest Real Life
Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to grow towards wholeness so you can live a REAL life.
In general, this involves a three-step process:
1) Deconstructing the EGO – looking at how your fragmented beliefs hold you back from yourself and life and how your conditioned sense of identity might keep you in this state.
2) Facing and Integrating the SHADOW – exploring how the creative process allow you to move towards self-acceptance and owning the hidden/disowned parts of yourself.
3) Manifesting a REAL LIFE – moving towards your greatest vision for your life.
From Fragmentation to Wholeness: Embrace Creativity and Transform Your Life with Creative Status Podcast
I believe that the creative process is a vehicle for GROWING REAL which ultimately means that it’s allowing us to make the unconscious conscious and to heal our lives as we move from a state of FRAGMENTATION to WHOLENESS. When we put ourselves on this path we’re in touch with our REALNESS>
That might sound complicated but I promise you it’s not: this journey from fragmentation to wholeness is the human condition and it’s a path that we’re ALL walking whether we know it or not. If you want to get better results from life and feel better whilst you’re doing it, then you need to examine your life and see where there’s scope to put yourself more deeply on this path.
If we want to live a ‘good’ or REAL life then we need to find away to unshackle ourselves from the patterns, beliefs, and ways of identifying that are causing us to hide from life and ourselves. This ultimately involves the process laid out above: Deconstruct Ego – Integrate Shadow – Manifest Real Life.
Every episode of Creative Status is an interview with an scintillating person exploring these themes so that you can get practical insight and ideas about your own journey and experience and take the next step towards wholeness in your own life.
Start Here
Every episode of Creative Status will motivate, inspire, and give you some of those ‘aha’ moments that break you free of old patterns or help you make new connections.
Here are some good starting points if your new to the show:
Kamau Akabueze: The Boundless Spirit of Creative Goop Bumps:
Kamau Akabueze is the founder of the Alien School in NYC, a project that helps people to tap into their true creative spirit and to start getting authentic results from life.
There’s so much power, energy, and flow in this conversation as we ride the creative waves where they need to go and make some new connections and insights along the way.
Bryan Kest: Strengthen the Benevolent & Eradicate the Malevolent:
Bryan Kest is an incredibly influential yoga teacher and the founder of Power Yoga.
This conversation is a really powerful reminder that any transformational journey starts with AWARENESS and that the creative process can facilitate this.
Jocelyn Ring: Being Horselike for Real Life & Creativity
Jocelyn Ring is a branding coach and facilitator who helps people to get closer to their creativity and their REALNESS by working with horses.
This is one of my favourite conversations because it shows how the creative process of growing real is applicable in all walks of life and that by exploring diverse terrain we can make new connections for growth and insight.
Priestess Francesca: The Creative Alchemy of Sex
Priestess Francesca is an erotic activist, sexual revolutionary, and advocate for collective liberation through erotic embodiment of all forms. In this episode, we explored the overlap between creativity and sex and what it tells us about the human experience.
This is a (NSFW) conversation that incredibly real, flows deeply, and shows that both creativity and sex aren’t just something that we have but something that we are.
Rizwan Javaid: The Creative Path from Struggle to Strength
Rizwan Javaid is the host of the Unleash Your Mindset Podcast and the author of the Low Fidelity newsletter which focuses on helping you tap into your creative potential and make an impact.
I really love this conversation because Rizwan is really candid in sharing how he took himself down the creative path from fragmentation to wholeness and improved his life by taking ACTION.
Meet Your Host: Oli Anderson
Real alway works
Oh, hi there.
I’m Oli Anderson – an author and coach who helps people to bring more REALNESS into their lives and businesses. This means learning to get out of their own way and make real choices that are going to: 1) take them towards wholeness, and 2) start getting real results from life.
I started Creative Status because I realised through coaching people that creativity is something that is always operating in our lives and that if we can learn to cultivate it and work with it then we can tune into our natural drives towards wholeness and real growth and connection.
Through coaching people over the years and exploring these ideas intimately with people, I also noticed that there are patterns and themes that apply to all of us because the human journey is about the same universal truths – I wanted to start interviewing a diverse bunch of people about these themes and ideas to show that no matter what angle you come into it from, it will always lead you back to the same place: REALITY.
I’ve already learned so much from these conversations and gone even deeper into my own journey – if you’re a human being looking to experience life on a deeper level then Creative Status can help you get there.
If you want to learn more about realness as a whole then check out my books: Personal Revolutions: A Short Course in Realness & Shadow Life: Freedom from BS in an Unreal World.
Creative Status Podcast: Latest Episodes
Creative Status is available on all podcast platforms or you can check out the latest episodes below:
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