Psychology - Page 5

Posts about psychology that help you to better understand yourself, the world, and reality to live a more REAL life.

If You Judge Another, You Judge Yourself


Life is just a goddam trip.

You come screaming out of the womb, get slapped (in most cases) to see if you can cry (they want you to fit in), and then you’re pumped through an economic system of education to be conditioned as one of the herd.

If you’re lucky, you can find a station in life that you can tolerate with people that don’t annoy you TOO much; if you’re not, you spend your days slaving away at some meaningless task you don’t really care about before you die.

Yeah, it’s a trip.

To top it all off, nobody really KNOWS how the hell we ended up here or what the point of it all is.

You can go MAD just trying to survive and that’s exactly what happens to most people – their wits start to ERODE and the pressure drives them madder with each passing year.

The thing that we sometimes need to remind ourselves of is that “WE’RE ALL IN THIS ‘LIFE’ THING TOGETHER.”

-That family member you’ve got that’s always talking about nutty theories or got some scheme on the go?

Yeah, they’re dealing with the same existential crap as the rest of us.

-Those upstairs neighbours that (try to) juggle bricks and stomp around in stilts at 3am in the morning?

Yeah, that’s just how they’re finding some MEANING amidst all the absurdity.

-That lunatic you know who’s always threatening to beat everybody up (but never does)?

Yeah, that’s just a way of COPING with whatever the hell they’ve been through that led them here.

The POINT is that EVERYBODY is going through or has been through something because that’s what makes us HUMAN.

If you’re scared of facing your own ‘stuff’ then your tendency might be to JUDGE the other people that are going through ‘it’ with you but if you do that you only end up JUDGING YOURSELF.

If you BELIEVE it’s possible to JUDGE somebody else then it means you BELIEVE it’s possible for you to be judged too because you believe in the VALIDITY of judgement.

No human can judge anything accurately because all judgement is about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ but nothing is that simple.

When you judge you enter the realm of DUALITY and take yourself away from the truth about yourself and others: WHOLENESS.

All judgement is unreal and you become unreal when you judge.

Believe you can’t be judged (because you can’t be) but accept that means that nobody else can be either – whatever one of us is in truth, we all are.



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You Deal With Your Childhood Wounds by Being an Adult


Nobody gets out of childhood totally unscathed.

It has to be this way because childhood is about being WHOLE – or at least SPONTANEOUS – and the world we’re brought up in is designed for FRAGMENTS and HESITATION.

Think about how many times you probably heard the word “NO” when you we’re growing up:

“NO, you can’t go play in the road.”

“NO, you can’t stay up all night”.

“NO, you can’t wear that Spiderman outfit to the supermarket.”

Maybe it’s a good thing that the world wears us down with ‘No’?

If we all were just so open minded that our brains fell out then the world would end up being a lunatic asylum for free range clowns… Oh, wait – we got that anyway. Maybe ‘No’ isn’t the best option.

The problem is that ‘NO’ just ends up wounding people and creating ‘broken’ adults (i.e. emotional retards – people whose INNER CHILD isn’t intergated and throws a constant temper tantrum when reminded of its seminal ‘wounds’).

It wounds people because they hear ‘NO’ at three main levels:

Shame: Where they receive a ‘NO’ at the level of their very being and their inherent value (usually because of some BS physical thing or personality quirk).

Guilt: Where they receive a ‘NO’ at the level of their actions or the situations they’ve found themselves in (like being born, for example).

Trauma: Where they receive a heavy’NO’ from some external force in the face of their own power and human capacity.

We all have some of this stuff going on to some extent when we go out into the world and how we deal with it is what most affects the course of our lives and who we become in the face of the world.

If we allow those ‘NO’ echoes to linger and internalise the feelings of shame, guilt, and/or trauma then we end up hiding behind the mask of adulthood whilst a WOUNDED child mopes about behind the scenes feeling lost and alone.

Instead of protecting and helping the child, we end up – in this state – trying to protect the mask instead but all that means is we don’t face the FEELINGS that wounded us and stay in this lost child state.

The solution is to be an ADULT and take RESPONSIBILITY over hiding. Only then can we face what we’ve been hiding from and reclaim our POWER.



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If You Haven’t Been ‘Happy’ Since the Womb then You’ll Try and Turn the World into One


Sometimes, our lives are a mess because we’re bitter that we had to leave the womb.

I know that might sound a bit much but hear me out:

For the average human being, life goes something along the lines of this:

1. We’re conceived and find ourselves in the womb where all of our needs are met IMMEDIATELY and we don’t have to do anything to have it happen (because we’re connected to the WHOLE).

2. Nine months later we’re DRAGGED kicking and screaming into a state of DISCONNECTION and are introduced to the world.

3. Our needs are met when we CRY (if we’re lucky and have a good mother) so we feel a bit more CONNECTED again.

4. Eventually, we are sent into the world to fend for ourselves as a singular, FRAGMENTED creature that may have moments of WHOLENESS but – ultimately – it’s just us and a few moments of connection until we DIE.

Jeezus, that sounds bleak but it’s not all doom and gloom:

If you can WAKE YOURSELF UP and learn to be REAL then you can find a sense of purpose for yourself that allows you to flow with reality and GROW more whole again.

The way that we can do this is by finding some sort of ‘spiritual’ path to walk on that makes sense in the context of our lives and leads us back to ourselves.

The problem – for many people – is that they confuse spirituality (or whatever you wanna call it) with that LOST FEELING they miss from back in the womb.

This unconscious drive to return to the womb state DISTORTS their view of reality and causes them to try and turn their WORLD into a womb as a substitute.

Such a world is supposed to have the following features:

-Needs are met IMMEDIATELY without any effort.

-Cause and effect have no authority here because everything is connected to the NEEDS of the person at the centre of it.

-All you have to do is ‘think’ it and it will happen.

-There is no friction or tension to grow through because everything is perfect all the time.

-Passivity is rewarded more than ACTIVITY.

-If you CRY, you shall receive.


People with unconscious ‘Womb Nostalgia’ shape their world around the needs of their EGO.

All they end up doing is creating a bubble that will BURST at which time they’ll GIVE BIRTH TO THEMSELVES.


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