Oh, hi there.
Thanks so much for checking out this page and for being interested in booking a free transformational call with me – please use the calendar below to book a 30 minute block to help you raise AWARENESS, start cultivating ACCEPTANCE, and taking REAL ACTION!
Once you’ve booked a slot, I’ll email you four simple questions so that I can get a ‘Big Picture’ understanding of where you are, where you’re trying to get to, what might be getting in the way, and who you need to BECOME to get there – this will ensure that we can DIG DEEP during our time together and start getting you RESULTS.
These free coaching sessions are totally relaxed but an opportunity for you to get an EXPERIENCE of my coaching and what it can do for you – I don’t do ‘sales’ calls or any of that ‘stuff’: I simply help you start unpacking whatever it is that you’re trying to figure out so that you can start gaining clarity and moving forward.
If none of these times work for you or you’d prefer to email me instead then get in touch at hello@olianderson.co.uk and we’ll take it from there!
I can pretty much guarantee that I’ll be able to help you see your current problems, challenges, or obstacles in new ways and figure out the next steps for real growth in your life.
Once you’ve booked, you’ll be emailed confirmation right away and a Google Meets link will be included for your chosen time!
Thank you so much and looking forward to exploring things with you,

Note: Please email me the answers to the questions I send you at least 24 hrs before the scheduled date of the call so I can prepare and give you the most value.
If you don’t answer the questions then I will take this as a sign that you’re not committed and cancel the call (the questions are super simple and painless – I promise)!
These calls are free but my time is valuable so if it looks like you’re not going to be able to make it, I’ll free the slot for somebody else.
Here are some things people have been saying about my coaching calls:
“I love this new me, I know that the end product will be a total beast, feel like I’m part way there!! Ringing you was the best thing I ever did!!!”
-Client testimonial
“I have become very determined to see my work through. I have learned loads.”
-Client testimonial
“The main benefits of this action-packed coaching package were dissolving unrealness and the masks and Oli’s compassion, patience, and brilliance.”
-Client testimonial
“I am not a victim anymore.”
-Client testimonial
“As a result of this coaching journey I have fully explored my ideas and how to make them real, pushing myself beyond my normal levels of analysis and understanding.”
-Client testimonial
“The main benefit of this coaching package was finally pushing myself out of the ‘preparation’ phase and into action.”
-Client testimonial
“I used to be unreal with fear and shame (predominantly) I have broken through that layer and now there feels like there is nothing else worth doing than making my ambitions reality.”
-Client testimonial
“I definitely have more confidence in my abilities and what I can achieve.”
-Client testimonial
“Has given me renewed energy.”
-Client testimonial
“I now feel confident that I can look for a better job, one which aligns with the creative work I want to be doing and I know I am capable of. “
-Client testimonial
“I am more comfortable with the artwork I produce as a creative. No longer do I feel like my art is not good enough. Now I am getting more comfortable in my skin and with who I am. “
-Client testimonial
“I have learned that I am capable of overcoming my impostor syndrome and perfectionism to make progress towards my goals.”
-Client testimonial
“I have been able to balance my work life, working on my personal goals, and my family life.”
-Client testimonial
“I feel calmer and able to reflect in the moment.”
-Client testimonial
“I feel like I am flowing again”
-Client testimonial
“I have grown more emotionally mature.”
-Client testimonial
“I feel more comfortable and confident with myself.”
-Client testimonial
“My desires, my relationship patterns, my wounds, the connection
between my inner and outer states…as within so without has never been this clear.”
-Client testimonial
“There were some epic moments.”
-Client testimonial
“Oli really helped me delve deeper into myself and uncover my true goals and desires. He helped me discover that fear could not (would not) stop me getting where I want to be.”
-Client testimonial
“Oli really showed me how we create fears and obstacles ourselves – and that freeing our mind of self-structured barriers is possible and essential for the process.”
-Client testimonial
“Within the series of coaching, I gained the trust (or better say re-gained) that I can and will pursue my business goal, which steps I will take, and that no plans are too big.”
-Client testimonial
“Oli handled firmly held limiting beliefs with persistence and sensitivity that lead to many moments of personal insight.”
-Client testimonial
“Oli’s style is supportive, warm, and inspiring.”
-Client testimonial
“I gained such clarity on my current situation and where I needed to make progress. My goals were made clear, together with the action steps I had to take to accomplish them. I gained insight into how to direct my time and energy to achieve my objectives.”
-Client testimonial
“The coaching techniques Oli used helped raise my awareness and change certain unhealthy unconscious behaviour for the better.”
-Client testimonial
“The impact of Oli’s coaching has been very significant and had an almost profound impact on my life. We explored me finding a more real and genuine version of who I was which resulted in me developing a new look, dating someone for the first time in four years and, most significantly, me leaving my job of eleven years to explore a different path in life.”
-Client testimonial
“Oli’s coaching was very timely, powerful, and insightful.”
-Client testimonial
“Oli asked amazing questions that made me think about things in different perspectives. Looking at things how I’d never seen them before really helped me see life differently and made me make decisions I would have never thought possible.”
-Client testimonial
“Extremely useful. Allowed me to take a look at my life from a different perspective.”
-Client testimonial
“I was initially somewhat cynical of ‘coaching’ but would absolutely recommend others use Oli’s services in the future.”
-Client testimonial