
This is the Sign You’ve Been Waiting For to Walk Away from the BS Thing that Keeps Holding You Back.

Every so often, I like to remind people that a super power we all have is to say “NO”.

When you say “No” to something UNREAL then it frees you up to say “Yes” to the real stuff – your true values, your true intentions, your true purpose, and most importantly your TRUE SELF.

The problem for a lot of us is that we make a lot of the decisions about our lives and what we want to do with them based on an UNREAL IMAGE of ourselves:

-We don’t believe in ourselves so we CHOOSE jobs, relationships, or ‘friendships’ that aren’t healthy or satisfying.

-We don’t believe in the world so we think that we just have to follow our SOCIAL CONDITIONING and do what we’re TOLD.

-We don’t believe in reality so we don’t acknowledge that we can GROW REAL through a lot of our limitations (and when we can’t we can learn to ACCEPT and be more CREATIVE with these limitations).

When you make choices about your life from the UNREAL side of who you are (i.e. the EGO which is designed as a response to the Unholy Trinity of shame, guilt, and/or trauma and serves as a barrier to keep your SHADOW at bay – see Shadow Life: Freedom from Bs in an Unreal World) then what you get from life is equally UNREAL.

It’s pretty simple:

Unreal goes in -> Unreal comes out

Real goes in -> Real comes out

If you’re lucky enough to have something ‘bad’ happen or if you step up and do the WORK then you can start to go through the process of becoming aware of how the world you’ve CHOSEN is UNREAL:

Asleep -> Awareness -> Acceptance -> Action

If you stay ASLEEP you will feel the restless call of the void as your shadow calls to you from beneath the surface.

If you become AWARE you’ll start to feel frustrated at what you’ve CHOSEN for yourself.

If you start to ACCEPT you’ll understand why you made those choices and FORGIVE yourself.

If you accept you can start taking ACTION and the first step is to set the BOUNDARY by saying “NO” to the unreal stuff that doesn’t serve you.

Like anything, it’s a PROCESS – you might not just up and leave but you can CHECKOUT MENTALLY.

When you’ve done that the next step is to work on bringing the REAL STUFF and to keep walking.

No dramas, no stress, no malice.


I’m trying to make sure my emails are REAL. Enter your email address below if you want to read them.

You’ll get a free PDF of my Lifestyle Design Canvas when you do (a tool for looking at your life and where you wanna go next):


Hatred is Judgement to the Max

Perhaps the closest we can get to a ‘miracle’ on this planet of ours is seeing hatred get transformed into…something REAL.

Hatred is just JUDGEMENT with the volume turned all the way up:

If means that – at some level – somebody has found themselves in a situation where they’ve been forced to EXAMINE their own image of themselves and instead of following through with whatever learning is asked of them and GROWING REAL they decide to project it out into the world in vehemence and rage.

ALL judgement is UNREAL and all hatred is judgement maxed out.

Whenever you JUDGE somebody else, you have first made some judgement about yourself that makes you believe you’re FRAGMENTED and not WHOLE.

Really, judgement is just the belief that the fragments are ALL WE ARE but that’s impossible because no fragment can ever be ‘all’ of anything.

When you JUDGE, you assume that you have the POWER to deny the TRUTH about people which is that they’re all complicated and confusing but that – once the clouds clear – there is only light and that the same LIGHT is within all of us.

When you JUDGE, you get caught up in the ILLUSIONS OF DUALITY – you ascribe things or people as being some degree of either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ but you CANNOT judge because you’re only a human (I assume) and so your judgements are fed through a double-barrelled reality distortion device of:

1. Limited Perception – because of your limited body.

2. Limited Interpretation – because of your limited understanding which is always informed by your emotional ‘stuff’ and the STORIES you want to believe about yourself, the world, and reality.

This VEILED VEIL is what keeps you from REALITY and the truth about life (which is always beyond judgement because it just ‘is’).

The more attached you become to your unreal PERCEPTIONS and INTERPRETATIONS the more you need to judge to keep the illusion in place (so you can keep avoiding your SHADOW and growing REAL).

HATRED is what happens when somebody becomes a lynchpin for the edifice of your EGO’s illusions and the judgement that binds them.

The ‘miracle’ is that you can wake up whenever you feel like it and you do that not by HATING others but by LOVING yourself.


I’m trying to make sure my emails are REAL. Enter your email address below if you want to read them.

You’ll get a free PDF of my Lifestyle Design Canvas when you do (a tool for looking at your life and where you wanna go next):


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