Making the Unconscious Conscious for Creativity & REAL Life.


How to Reawaken Your Creativity (By Living in a REAL Way).

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This article is about reawakening your creativity. I say “reawaken” because in our natural state, we are all creative. That doesn’t mean that we’re all naturally skilled or talented – though we all have the capacity to develop skills and talents – what I actually mean when I say that we’re all naturally creative is that we all have the capacity to solve the problems in our lives.

In other words, we all have problems and limitations to deal with and can find creative ways of dealing with, them.

We also all have a natural drive towards wholeness. Wholeness means a deeper sense of connection to ourselves – by making the unconscious conscious –  a deeper connection to other people by coming from a real place, and then a deeper connection to life by understanding that life keeps moving, expanding, and evolving.

And so if we want to be as real as possible, we have to tap into our creativity in order to keep being lifelike. That just means we keep moving, we keep flowing, we keep growing, and we keep becoming more connected to life.

This article, is going to be about how if you feel like your creativity is dormant, then ultimately you’re either: 1)  resisting something inside yourself that is causing you to resist life, or: 2) you’re so caught up in the old way of being and seeing yourself, and seeing life because you have created a false identity for yourself,, that you stop learning because you’re filtering everything that happens to you through what you already think, you know, aka the EGO.

Living like this just causes you to kind of stagnate and to not get anywhere. And the only reason you’re stagnating and not moving and getting where you want to be is because you’ve taken yourself out of the natural process of moving towards wholeness.

So we’re going to talk about how if you put yourself back in alignment with that process, then your creativity is going to reawaken because it never went anywhere. It just kind of went into hiding because of the way you were seeing yourself and not seeing life.

So before we get too deeply into this, I want to make a distinction between the creative process that I’m talking about, which is the natural process of moving towards wholeness, that we would all be engaged in all of the time if we weren’t blocking ourselves with our own mental stuff and the more day to day kind of creativity that we associate with the word “creative” – for example, painting a picture, taking photos, writing a novel, whatever it is.

All of those creative activities are really important. And by doing the kind of things that I’m going to be talking about, in this video, you’ll find it much easier to invest your time and energy into those things. But no matter what it is that you choose to do as a creative outlet, if it’s real in the way that I’m talking about, then by using that vehicle to express yourself, you’re going to make yourself move from a state of fragmentation and disconnection to a state of wholeness.

All that means is that as you create something in whatever form you’ve chosen, the unconscious is going to become conscious. And that just means that certain parts of yourself that you may have disowned or been hiding from because of your relationship with yourself are, going to become clear.

They’re going to come surging to the surface and you’re going to find them on the page or on the canvas or in the lyrics of your songs or whatever it is. And if you struggle to be creative, it basically means – in most cases – that there is some block in your life that is stopping that process from unfolding in the way that it needs to.

We’ll go into that in a bit more detail, but the distinction I want to make is that creativity and skill and talent are interconnected but they’re different. I think that we’re all creative in the way that I’m talking about, where we have this drive towards wholeness and we can express it, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

On the other hand, if we want to be skilled or we want to be talented, then we need to work on that by being consistent, disciplined and focused and directing our energy into improving our skills.

So that’s just something I wanted to throw out, because this isn’t an article about being skilled, it’s about being creative.

The ideal state, of course, is that you have both: You’re being creative and you’re skilled. And actually, by working on your skills and going from a state of unskilled to skilled, well, you’ll grow more real in the way that I’m talking about anyway.

But ultimately, this process is about being real and aligned with nature, and the skills are kind of on top of that. So I just wanted to put that out there so you don’t think I’m going to give you some kind of a magical panacea for becoming really skilled and talented.

This is just a process of learning and growing so that you can be more creative with your skills or you’ll be less judgmental with yourself as you try to upskill in the future.

There are different levels of creativity and the REALEST level is making unconscious conscious.

One thing that might make this easier to understand is that there are different levels of creativity, and – as with anything else – you can understand this in the simplest way by looking at it in terms of either fragmentation and wholeness, ego and realness, or unreal and real.

All that means is that the deeper we go into life and the way that it works, the more real things become. And the more we move away from that, the more unreal they become.

Now, on this fancy diagram that I’ve made, I’ve broken it down so that the outer levels are, more unreal (but still real) and, the inner levels, the smaller circles, are more real. The realest level, I think, is making the unconscious conscious.

That’s the main theme of this article: that to be creative, you need to align yourself with that process so that it can keep happening in the way that it needs to, and that you can be more aligned with your own nature, and the nature of life itself.

Now, I won’t go through all these levels but, ultimately, the most unreal version is just imitation. That is ego. The ego imitates either itself and what it already thinks it knows so it doesn’t have to grow, or it imitates other things in the world that already exist. That’s the lowest level of creativity, in my opinion, because all you’re doing is copying and pasting.

Of course, it does have value. Like as Picasso said, “great artists steal” or whatever the hell he said. But ultimately, if you want to be real, you need to stop just copying other people in the world and allow yourself to see what your unconscious is trying to make conscious so that you can actually create something original that is sourced within you and from your relationship with life.

As you go through these levels, you ultimately get out of the conceptual and you get into the experiential. If people are just imitating, they may understand the concepts of what it is that they’re imitating, but on the deepest level, they don’t understand the inner experience that led to whatever that was (assuming that what was imitated wasn’t just imitated itself, and everybody’s out there just remixing and combining elements and all that kind of stuff).

The deepest level of creativity is the one that I keep talking about, like a broken record now – making the unconscious conscious – because if you can do that, then you’re going to bring up something from your own shadow that is going to allow you to be more deeply connected to yourself.

It’s also going to allow you to be more deeply connected to other people, because you’ll have a stronger foundation within yourself. Finally, you’re going to be more connected to the natural unfolding and flowing of life itself, which is the most creative thing going ultimately.

Should you find yourself incapable of being creative as you know you can be, then you have kind of forgotten that REAL ALWAYS WORKS.

That’s something that I love to say, because it’s true: Real always works.

All you really need to do is to tap into your REALNESS. And if you do that, then you’re going to be aligned with reality itself, nature itself, and, the creative impulse that we all have when that is the way we’re living.

Now, “Reality” is kind of a dirty word these days, even though it’s like one of my most overused words. And that’s because we all think that everything is relative, everything is subjective, blah, blah, blah. That’s not necessarily true.

When people say, “I have my reality”, “You have your reality” – and anything analogous to that, what they actually mean is “I have my interpretation of reality, you have your interpretation of reality, and I’m going to basically stick to what I know and feel comfortable with”.

Now, when it comes to reality itself (as opposed to our interpretations of it), nobody can argue about it because – ultimately – it’s just a bunch of natural laws that are universal and apply to every single one of us.

To keep it simple, all we really need to know about reality is two things: One, it keeps moving, and two, it’s interconnected. It’s about connection.

Everything in reality is just one big relationship, having a relationship with itself. And so, if you just take those two premises as a starting point for improving your relationship with reality, which is naturally creative, then you’re going to get much better results and your creativity is naturally going to reawaken.

One: keep growing, keep expanding, keep learning. Two: remember that everything is connected and move towards connection by choosing WHOLENESS over fragmentation (because the only thing that can stop you from being connected to yourself and the world and others is this EGO thing that we keep talking about).

And so if you do those two things, you’re going to align yourself with the natural drive that we all have towards wholeness and, as a consequence of that, your realness and your creativity are going to reawaken, and you’re going to get better results.

So, in relation to what I already said about the unconscious becoming conscious and how that is aligned with the natural unfolding of nature itself, if you live in this real way of constantly seeking growth and expansion, and constantly seeking a deeper connection to yourself, the world and reality, then you’ll have no choice but to make the unconscious conscious, which is naturally going to make you more creative.

This is because as the unconscious becomes conscious, all kinds of creative urges and impulses and intentions are going to call to you that you have to act on if you want to get to the next level of even deeper growth and expansion and deeper connection.

Now, the other reason that living in this way is so powerful is because it’s going to keep you stretching.

In coaching, we always talk about how there’s three levels. There’s the Comfort Zone, which we’ve all heard about and is essentially just the ego. In other words, we create a little box so we can stop the unconscious becoming conscious, keep hiding from our shadow and our shame and guilt and trauma – and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah – and we just filter everything that we do through our need to stay comfortable and to stay the same.

If you do that, then the natural consequence is that you are going to be blocking the unconscious becoming conscious behind conceptual ideas and bullshit – and so of course your creativity is going to be dormant because in a way, whether you know it or not, you’re actively stopping it from doing what it needs to do.

The next level is the Stretch Zone. This is where you find something that you need to do or want to do that is just going to push you a little bit beyond what you already think you know about yourself. You’re going to find what I like to call the Edge.

Being in the stretch zone feels amazing. There’s a kind of creative tension that you get when you’re there because you know where you’re going leads towards more wholeness and the vision that you may have created for that. But you’re not going so far, that you’re in the third level on this diagram, which is that you’re panicking. In other words, you found your sweetspot (and the more you live here, the higher you feel on life).

If you reach the Panic Zone, which is the third of the three – Comfort, Stretch, and Panic – then  you’ve gone too far, you’re not ready to be there. And that’s why if you keep growing and trying to connect to life more deeply in a strategic way, you can stay in the Stretch Zone and always be in the sweetspot of finding the Edge (where your ego meets reality).

This is where you’re going to get the unconscious becoming conscious in a manageable, pleasurable and enjoyable way. It’s also where you’re actually going to get results because you’re not asleep in the Comfort Zone of the ego and you’re not pushing yourself too far into the Panic Zone, which again is ego not getting anywhere.

Making the unconscious conscious made practical.

To keep this really practical, I just want to give you a couple of ways in both of those areas of learning and constantly growing and expanding and connecting to yourself, the world, and reality.

On a deeper level, I want to give you some practical things that you can do so you can actually start living like this and reawaken that natural drive that I keep talking about of being connected to ourselves in such a way where the unconscious becoming conscious and we’re moving with wholeness and the flow of life – instead of trying to force everything through ego, which always kills our creativity.

Keep learning.

The first thing that you need to do, then, is you need to find a way to keep learning. If you keep learning, then you’re going to develop a growth mindset which is going to keep you aligned with the way of nature itself and your nature as a human being.

More importantly, you’re going to keep testing the assumptions that your ego and your habitual way of identifying rests upon, so that you can stretch yourself and basically evolve into the next version of who you are.

I’m not one of those guys that says we can “kill the ego”. You can’t kill something that’s unreal.

We all need an ego to survive in life, but you can keep pushing the envelope so that what you think you know is more aligned with the truth the longer that you live and the more that you keep learning, etc.

So some really practical things that you can do are simple: read more books, do more courses, talk to more people, go to new places,

Don’t just live in the same old routine day after day after day – that’s just going to cause you to stagnate. And obviously, in that state of stagnation, your ego is going to become more, impactful in your relationship with yourself and it’s going to block out any truth that may be trying to enter your life. As a consequence, that’s going to stop the unconscious becoming conscious (which is always unfolding naturally but if we block it the process gets polluted – see Shadow Life: Freedom from BS in an Unreal World for more). .

Basically, all I need to say is that if you can find new ways to continue learning and evolving, then you’re going to bring more truth into your life – and if you uncover the truth and live the truth, you can’t help but be real and align yourself with this thing that we’re talking about: he drive towards wholeness, where your creativity is going to come surging up.

Another vital thing that you can do to keep learning and evolving and expanding is to set goals. A lot of, creative people hate setting goals. They think that setting goals is going to somehow make them less creative. But actually, if you set goals, then it’s going to ensure – if you do it in the right way – that you’re going to challenge yourself enough to keep stretching yourself.

And by stretching yourself, the old version of the ego, which is blocking your creativity, is going to kind of dissolve and your realness is going to resurface.

Now, as long as you’re choosing goals that are REAL – and that just means that they’re going to allow you to become more of what you are, not to keep hiding behind the ego stuff – then you will keep evolving day after day.

You’ll be more aligned with the law of cause and effect and all the other laws that come with nature itself and reality itself. And by working with them to your advantage, to improve your life through conscious goal making, then you’re ultimately going to have to unblock your creativity because you’re moving.

That’s essentially all you need to know: Keep moving and you will become more real, and you’ll become more creative.

Become more connected to life.

By extension, the second thing that we all need to do if we want to be more creative – along with keep to keep growing – is to keep becoming more connected to life.

Now, the reason that connection is so important is because the ego, the thing that stops us from being as creative as we can be, is ultimately the illusion of disconnection. And if we live according to the illusion of disconnection, then we can’t align ourselves with life, where everything is connected, and it’s just systems and systems, and systems, and relationships, having relationships with themselves.

And so, if you actively work to be more connected to yourself, more connected to others, and more connected to life, and especially if you combine it with constant evolution and learning and expansion and goals in the way that I just talked about, you can’t not be creative, because by aligning yourself in this real way the unconscious is going to become conscious (because that’s just what happens when we’re real).

So how do you become more connected?

The best way to do it is to get out of your head, which is ego, and get into your body instead.

For most people, I recommend just finding some form of exercise that you love: go for a hike, do yoga (that’s the best one I’ve found). Dance around, whatever it is; find a way to get in your body.

Besides that, you need to find ways to change your perspective so that you are deeply connected to life – even when things are kind of challenging or difficult or whatever.

The standard thing there that people get told to do which works is to keep some kind of a gratitude ritual.

For me, I just write down every day I’ve got a gratitude journal. I write down ten things I’m grateful for. I write down what it is and why. So, for example, “Today I am really grateful for the trees outside, because I like looking out the window and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah”. I’m just saying that because there’s some trees over there, although I am grateful for them.

Anyway, the point is, if you have gratitude for something, there is no disconnection between you and whatever it is.

And so if you do that kind of ritual every day, you’re going to be more connected to life. That’s going to make you feel better about yourself, then because you feel better about yourself, you can have better relationships with other people – and if you combine it with a constant evolution and growth and getting in your body, you’re going to be more creative.

The other thing that you can do is meditation and all that kind of stuff. Be mindful. If you can do those kinds of practices in your life every day, then you’re going to be more connected to who you are, because you’re not going to have the little chatter, the hamster wheel of the ego, telling you that you’re disconnected  – you’re going to realise you’re not totally independent from everything else, because the illusion of separation also belongs to the ego.

The combination of that one-two punch of the lifelong learning, constant evolution and growth, and, the connection to life through getting in your body, getting in your breath, and being grateful for life is going to make you more creative. It’s guaranteed.

There are different levels of creativity and the deepest level is the most natural and REAL.

So what’s been the main lesson here today?

The main lesson, ultimately, is that there are different levels of creativity and the deepest level is the most natural level but it seems kind of unnatural because we have all conditioned ourselves with mental chatter and bullshit and nonsense that we have picked up over the course of our lives. That’s caused us to become fragmented and to identify as, something other than what we are.

What we are in truth is REAL, and that means that we keep evolving and that we’re connected to life – we’re not hiding from that learning, and we’re not resisting the natural connection that is always there.

The difference between identifying as a creative person and being a creative person.

Now, the key problem in all of our lives, in almost any situation I’ve found, is the way that we identify. It’s always an identity problem that it’s causing us to distort our view of life or to resist what’s right in front of us. And, the final caveat that I want to put here in this video is that there is a difference between identifying as a creative person and, being a creative person.

If you identify as a creative person, well, that’s just the ego stuff. Especially if you’re overly attached to it because you think that ‘creativity’ is some kind of magical unicorn that’s going to solve all your problems or make you adored and give you all the love that you feel you may not be able to give yourself, or whatever it is that’s causing you to do that.

In opposition to that is what I’m talking about: being creative, being real, and all that means is that you stop thinking about what you are and you just be it – i.e.  you allow it to happen and you go with it in a controlled and strategic way.

So, hopefully that’s helped. If you feel like you want to go deeper. I have a free seven day course with 158 page workbook called the 7-Day Personality Transplant System Shock For Realness and Life Purpose. Check it out.

If you want any help around these kind of issues, you can book a complementary call.

Ultimately, all I want to say is that if you keep learning and you keep connecting to yourself and life, your creativity will naturally reawaken. You actually don’t have to do anything to make it happen. It’s just a natural consequence of being real, living real, and doing the real stuff that is calling to you from the unconscious so you can make it conscious.

Live a REAL life. That’s why we’re here.


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This article is based on a transcript from this video.

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Books: Go DEEPER and Grow REAL

Personal Revolutions: A Short Course in Realness

Personal Revolutions: A Short Course in Realness is a book designed to help you look at your life from the inside-out so that you can stop holding yourself back and go get what you really want. 

It contains 166 practical ‘Revolutions’ for awareness and over 8,000 Self-Guidance Questions for you to uncover new insight about yourself, the world, and reality that you can translate into action and start building your real life on the realest possible foundation.

Shadow Life is an exploration of the human shadow and the hidden side of our personalities. It looks at the masks we wear, where these masks come from, and how we can take them off.

The book explores how we can better manage our relationships with shame, guilt, and trauma in order to remove the Mask that the world has asked us to wear (and that we forgot we were wearing) so we can live an authentic life with less drama, chaos, or BS whilst we’re still around.

The Flow Builder Journal has everything you need to make the next 21-weeks of your life a turning point.

It has monthly, weekly, and daily (morning and evening) check-ins, tools and reflections to keep you in the zone and keep you flowing with zest and momentum.

If you want to get unstuck and grow REAL then check it out.

7-Day Personality Transplant System Shock (for REALNESS & Life Purpose)

Download EGO/SHADOW/TRUST - a free guide to transformation that will walk you through the vital stages of Awareness, Acceptance, and Action with practical strategies to implement right away.

Join the 7-Day Bare Ass Minimum (BAM) Challenge and start to implement foundational health habits and a powerful life vision only a week from now.

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Hi, I'm Oli Anderson - a Transformational Coach for REALNESS and author who helps people to tap into their REALNESS by increasing Awareness of their real values and intentions, to Accept themselves and reality, and to take inspired ACTION that will change their lives forever and help them find purpose. Click here to read my story about how I died, lost it all, and then found reality.

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