by Oli Anderson, Transformational Coach for Realness
To get where you wanna go… 👇
…you have to trust the process.
Really, there’s no other way because reality is always gonna reality and the only way to work with it is to LET GO and stop trying to CONTROL things.
In theory this sounds simple but it’s not always necessarily EASY (though it definitely can be for some)…
To get there we have to learn to find true SANITY (alignment with what’s actually REAL):
-We have to learn to LET GO of our THOUGHTS and to IGNORE the negative conditioning and BS.
-We have to learn to LET GO of our ideas about who we are and what we need to do (by letting reality do it’s thing and holding on to our INTENTIONS as we NAVIGATE it).
-We have to LET GO of our negative emotions from the PAST (where else could they be – not here in the present).
All fo this intially takes a kind of STRENGTH as we have to rewire ourselves to UNLEARN and return to our natural state.
In this episode of Creative Status, I’m joined by Avilasha Sarmah, a talented novelist, writer, and poet who also goes by the moniker of Storyteller Earthling. Avilasha shares her insights on living without resistance and flowing with a sense of trust, drawing on her experiences as a creative and intuitive thinker.
We explore the role that the creative process can play in connecting us to our intuition, and how it can help us to tap into our true selves and live more authentically. Avilasha’s deep love for nature and the environment is also evident throughout our conversation, as we discuss the overlap between being an earthling and being real.
Avilasha’s journey to becoming a published author is inspiring, having written and published two novels – “MORNING” (2021) and “When the Cuckoo Called” (2017). She has been writing poetry, with a focus on nature, since she was only nine years old. Her writing reflects her passion for the environment and her desire to inspire others to connect more deeply with nature.
Through her own experiences, Avilasha offers practical advice and tools for listeners to cultivate a greater sense of trust and flow in their own lives. Join us for an inspiring conversation on the transformative power of creativity, connecting with our intuition, and how we can all become better EARTHLINGs.
This was a free-flowing, fun conversation and if you’re looking for some creative insight you’re gonna get it!
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(Scroll down for show transcript)
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Show Transcript
Oli Anderson: Oh hi there, Oli Anderson here, you’re listening to Creative Status. This is a podcast about using your creativity to improve your life, mainly in the areas of health and relationships. But also if you want to take it a little bit deeper, it’s about looking at your relationship with yourself, figuring out the fragments that are holding you back and causing you to hesitate and stopping you from growing and flowing and moving with life and taking all of those inspired actions that you want to take when you’re able to tune into yourself and listen to your own intuition. And ultimately it’s about exploring how the creative process is the process of doing that, tuning more deeply into a sense of wholeness.
That’s the little rant, if you don’t know. My name is Oli Anderson, I’m a creative performance coach. I help people with their lives and businesses, but mainly it’s about helping them to distinguish the real from the unreal so that they can do all the things I just said, get out of their own way and start flowing with inspired action.
Today’s episode of Creative Status is an interview with Avilasha Sarmah, also known as Storytelling Earthling. I have been following her for a while on Instagram and we’ve had a few chats she seemed like someone who totally understands all this stuff and I just really wanted to talk to her more deeply about it and it was a good thing to do that because I got a lot of insight from this conversation.
We covered all kinds of stuff, the law of attraction, how to live without resistance, how to keep flowing, what the artistic process is, how we can find inspiration, how no matter who we are and no matter what we’ve been through, our interpretations of reality are all going to be slightly different even if that reality is the same for all of us when it’s bubbling beneath the surface of life itself.
There’s loads of cool stuff in here. So Avilasha, thank you so much for your time. Thank you for coming on here and letting me ask you a billion different questions and throwing curveballs at you and everybody else. I hope you really enjoy this conversation as much as I did and I’ll see you next Monday for another one of these when we have another episode of Creative Status. Here we go.
Oli Anderson: Oh hi there, Avalasha. Thank you so much for joining me today on this episode of Creative Status. We’ve been following each other basically on Instagram for quite a long time and you seem like somebody who gets it so I wanted to talk to you and now here we are having this conversation. Before we get into it, do you feel like introducing yourself and telling people who you are, what you’re interested in and why you wanted to have this conversation?
Avilasha Sarmah: Sure. First of all, thank you for choosing me, like asking me to be a part of your podcast because I have come across, I follow your podcast on Amazon and I love the content that you create, the topics that you talk about because it really inspires me to think and it’s my honor to be a part of it today and hi for people listening, I’m Avalasha. I am from India and I, you can find, like I use the alter ego, Stoical Earthling to create content and that’s how I would identify myself as Stoical Ertling and basically I’m a writer and a poet and a person and I publish two novels and I love writing so yeah I’m a writer who loves to travel so yeah you know that’s what I write about travel and nature and whatever inspires me to create.
Oli Anderson: Wow, so actually you’re a very prolific creative person so you’ve written a load of books, you’re doing all this poetry and everything. Let’s dive right into this thing that you just shared though about being a storytelling earthling so this you know the really interesting concept there is this idea of being an earthling so obviously we’re all technically earthlings as far as we know but what does that mean to you like why did you decide to go with that little name?
Avilasha Sarmah: Yeah sure thank you for asking this question because like I didn’t realize the fact that I live like an earthling but I did not use the word for a long time yeah but like for me earthling is something like I feel this is my belief that we are here on this planet briefly and if I look at it from a travel point of view like I’m traveling this life is this journey is my journey right so when I’m traveling I’m here briefly so this inspires me to create like for example in a basic trip when you’re traveling we are organically inspired by the trip by the journey and we are creating we are looking we’re not you you know succumbing to the everyday problems or the negative thinking that we’re under but when you’re traveling we forget that and we tend to focus on the new stuff we allow life to inspire us you know we allow the journey to you know take us where we want to go we don’t fight it with resistance so this is why I used the word earthling and this came to me like you know I growing up you know I think everybody places that we are told this is how life should be like we’re given a set structure this is what we should do and you know like this is the what success should be what’s what you know I did everything I was a courier I where I thought that I was successful because I was following all the rules but it just I was very unhappy and so I you know during the pandemic I just realized that I felt like there’s this thing like what if the world ends tomorrow and I I’ve I’ve not even started living you know so I when I sat down and wrote my second book it’s called morning the purest feeling and it’s about the whole the book itself is about something which echoes my own journey it’s like a person who questions the life that he is in and then he starts uh starts uh you know being honest with himself it’s two people in a female like two people so love story of salt as well so it’s like same thing with me so for me being an earthling was that the time I started living consciously and started paying attention to the wall around me and allowing me to inspire me to create and my dominant creative form was poetry hence so it’s I don’t know a storyteller.
Oli Anderson: Yeah, there’s that there’s so much amazing stuff going on there and I um like I really kind of resonate with it.
I know resonate is kind of a cheesy word, but I really, I see life in the same way. So I’m always talking about being human or being real. And I think there’s definitely an overlap between what you’re saying about being an earthly and the whole real thing. A
nd so for me, the word that you just use that kind of sums it up is consciousness. So the more conscious we are, the more awake we are, the more aware we are of, you know, our surroundings and life itself, the less blocked we are, and the less blocked we are, the more that we can be creative and we can enjoy life and we can truly, you know, make the most of it whilst we’re here before we do drop dead.
So as you’ve gone through this process of, I suppose becoming aware of, you know, the, the transitory nature of life and the fact that we’re all on limited time and everything, what, what changes have you made that allowed you to get to this point?
Avilasha Sarmah: Sure, it’s a very interesting question. I think the first thing I did was stop listening to the external world and started listening to my intuition. Like, it’s not like my intuition was always there, but I fought against it because it was against what everybody else was telling me, so-called elders, that this is what is right. But the moment I started listening to that, I started listening to my inner voice, I think that changed.
That was the beginning.
Oli: So what, do you think that intuition normally has the right answers? Like, have you learned anything about that? And what was it that was causing you to fight that inner voice specifically, would you say? And how did you win that battle so that the intuition could come back?
Avilasha: Yeah, that’s an interesting question. I think for me, like, writing was the means. Like, I am my most honest, honest self when I’m writing. So it’s like, when I sit down to write, this is where I get real. And this is where my intuition speaks to me. Like, I am more in connection with the higher powers, I don’t know, when I’m writing, like, I’m asking myself questions that because, because I did not listen to my intuition, there were a lot of question marks, a lot of questions. But I realized questions can happen because the answers were ready to be unveiled.
So when I asked myself those questions, I wrote them wrong, basically writing was the way I found answers. And though, and that’s where I believe that this is the intuition is the real deal, because it feels right to me. And if I am going forward, the more I get real with me, like you talk about being real, unblocking your realness, right? So I think I’m going to resonate with what you say in what the what your content says, because it’s exactly what I go through myself. It’s a more real I get. And if I get unreal, I don’t listen to my intuition.
I get my payback. And I have, you know, it’s like, okay, you get this vibe, right? You get a vibe about stuff. Okay, this just feels right. This doesn’t feel right.
And if you go with something that does not work, doesn’t feel right, I mean, it just doesn’t work out.
Oli: Like, yeah. So yeah, 100 % true. Like I found this in my own life. So if you don’t listen to that inner voice, that real voice inside you that you’ve tapped into with your intuition, then all that happens is you end up trying to force your life through all of the unreal things that you’ve been trying to filter life through. And anytime you are mainly motivated or inspired by that unreal stuff, well, you’re just going to get unreal results. And so actually, this process you’re talking about stepping back from all of that external unreal stuff that we take on board is the solution to, I would say, most of the problems in our lives.
And most of those problems are just caused by, you know, not being an earthling in the language that you’re using.
Avilasha: Yeah. Yeah, I guess, you know, you are also like you echo what I am saying, but just reducing different terms. Right, I’m using one thing and you’re saying unblock the realness.
But I think being an earthling is being real and being more conscious.
Oli: Yeah. Yeah. Like ultimately, exactly that is all the same thing. So the way I look at it, you know, the I think the truth is the same for all of us.
Like I think all human beings, you know, we’re experiencing the same truth from a slightly different point of view because of our own, you know, bodies and emotions and all the things that we’re going through.
But the truth itself is the same. And if you can tap it into that, however, you know, that works for you. That’s when life starts to open up and you can be more inspired and you can create more amazing things and do more things that are actually aligned with who you are. So this stuff that you’re saying about, you know, tapping into your intuition and not listening to the external stuff that’s not real, how has that helped you to be more inspired?
Because you seem to be a very inspired person.
Avilasha: Thank you. I think, yeah. So answer your question, like when I get more real with myself and more in listen to my intuition, I feel like And I’m going with my vibes here. Like I’m following what feels right to me, what doesn’t.
Very, very organically, there is this like for example, the more I started being real with myself, the more I felt a connection with nature. I have always been a nature lover, but it’s more like now I can look at nature from a perspective which is more conscious and aware. And when I’m doing that, I tend to get inspired by nature for example.
Like for instance, I tend to find poetry in my observations. Like if I’m witnessing even a bird or how the way she’s colored or the way a flower is colored, or if I’m traveling, if I’m noticing the river, for example, or the mountains, it’s just the way I look at it.
Like it’s poetry to me. And that inspires me to create. And talking about inspired creation, I think what I was trying to say is that like for example, as a writer, I used to work in social media, like digital marketing and in content and branding and stuff. So before that, I used to write for brands. Like, you know, and every time I worked for a client, they had certain specifications, keep your language less flurry, the market demands you to write this. Like there was no creative freedom, you know? And even as a writer, as a novelist, you know, moment, I have self-published my novels because if it’s a publisher, they tend to, you know, change your style and they’re like, this is working.
They tend to tell you how to write a book. When I want to write a book because the joy of writing the book is what inspired me to write. It’s not like I suddenly wanted to, you know, make it commercial. I wanted to write a book because it inspired me. The story came to me.
I can’t change it because the market is asking me to keep it like that, you know? Or that suspense thrillers are trending. If I don’t like suspense thrillers, I mean, why should I write it? So that’s what inspired creation for me is like, writing and doing something, you making space for that kind of content and not like succumbing to, you know, what is successful, what is trending. Like you make your own trends or you become, you define your own success, you know, that’s what I am.
Oli: Yeah, there’s a theory, isn’t there? Or like an idea that if you’re a creative person and you want to create something that really connects with others, then you need to do all this inner work and you know, you need to figure out who you really are, away from the ego and all that kind of thing and to find a solid foundation to put yourself on.
And then when you create from this real place, you’re going to be aligned and then you’re going to be creating things that are actually true and resonate with other people in the world. Do you think it is that simple? Not that it’s easy, but is it that simple? So you do that in a work, find out who you really are and then you express something based on that information.
Instead of, you know, trying to just do what’s popular and all these external stuff you just said?
Avilasha: Yeah, you’re asking if it’s simple. It’s not simple, obviously, but it’s very uplifting. Like, it’s like flow and I believe that, you know, nature’s flow is what is truth. So when you’re creating, inspired from within content, like you said, you do the inner work and then you have certain realizations and share it with the world or whatever, or however way you share it, whatever medium. I think that’s like being in flow and if I’m not doing that and if I’m not giving that, if I have a calling, for instance, I’m inspired to write something. Like it’s very, very, it’s like this inspiration which comes to you, you can’t stop.
That’s like being in flow, you know. If you don’t do that, then you might get another more, like these inspirations tend to be like always there. It’s not like you have one inspiration, you ignore it. And then again, you find, like, you know, so for me, I think what you said, I think doing that is like being in flow and being real in your terms. It’s not simple, but it feels right, you know, like it’s flow, like less resistant, like what they call the path of least resistance.
Oli: Yeah, I think you’re right. I think the main thing that causes resistance is almost always some kind of false idea or identity that we filter everything through. So I’m always saying the same thing on this podcast, it’s the ego thing. So we have shame, guilt and trauma, that makes us identify as something we’re not.
And then if we’re identified as that and using that as the filter for everything that we try and achieve, then we don’t actually produce anything real. But if you can step away from that, like you’re saying, then you remove all of the blocks because the only blocks are the ego stuff. And when there’s no blocks, that’s when you can get into this creative flow state where a lot of ideas are just popping up and you either act on them or you’re done and you’re inspired because you keep learning and you keep growing and you’re expanding and blah, blah, blah.
So to make it more practical maybe, like how can people live in a way or how can earthlings or real people live in a way where they’re putting themselves in that flow state as much as possible?
Avilasha: Okay, yeah, like also it’s something because I also follow like a lot of, for me, I follow Abraham Hicks who keeps on inspiring me. So on your content as well, like for example, it’s not like you can attain that complete state of flow because we’re human beings. We want to be negative emotions, we want to feel contrast.
It’s not like you can completely get there. But if you can enhance that, like for example, if you be in flow once, you will be inspired to enhance that, fine tune that flow, how much ever you can because when we feel like negative emotion, it’s like, you will be, it’s very organic, right? You feel negative, you’re organically asking for feeling better and that feeling better is flow, right? So it’s something which is a choice you make every day. Like either you choose to not be in flow or be in flow. It’s a choice, it’s a moment to moment choice. And it’s not easy because we have so much resistance, right?
In us and we are our own greatest enemy because we are fighting ourselves with our own thoughts, right? But for me, the state of flow that I could achieve was through writing again. Because I write and for when I’m writing, I feel like it’s not like I start writing and I’m in flow, but I write to get to the state of flow.
And yeah, this is something for me. And I feel like if it’s my two cents, I feel like if somebody, everybody has this dominant creative form, whatever ways they want to express themselves. And if you, that is because that process gives you joy. So following your calling, whatever it is, following your passion, that is the way as much as you can, that is the way to being in flow as much as you can.
And improve your life experience.
Oli: Yeah, 100%. And I totally agree as well. Everybody has some kind of a creative outlet that is gonna tune them back into the real version of themselves and put them back in that in touch with the intuitive side that you mentioned earlier in the conversation. Where do you think most of the resistance comes from?
So you’re right, like we can be in the flow state a lot of the time, but like human beings are human beings. So thoughts are always gonna pop up or things are gonna happen and so on and so forth. But what is the main thing that causes us to resist this natural state of flow? Because I think that state is, the flow state is natural. But what keeps us away from that natural state?
Avilasha: Our own thinking, I think we are like in your words, we are unreal most of the time. So we have created a system thanks to society and conditioning that believes in the unreal. Because what is belief? It’s a thought that we think, right? That’s belief all the time. So our beliefs are growing up with media, everything, you know, social media, everything. It’s like constantly telling us being unreal is right.
And then we have this dominant belief systems which is formed because of that. And that’s that’s that we are not listening to intuition. We are like listening to what is trending, what is cool, what is whatever. Everybody is following, trying to follow other people, you know, and not following us because we when we follow us, we are not part of the crowd. We are we are outcast here because being yourself makes you vulnerable.
We are not ready to accept that. So for me, resistance comes from my own personal experiences, negative belief. And in the law of attraction universe, when you’re thinking negative thoughts, we are attracting more negative experiences.
So it’s like, it’s just that. And that’s why for me writing enables me to stop that and meditation. I also meditated in the morning. So it’s like, it stops that and, you know, gives me the opportunity to refocus into what is feel good and what is right. And yeah.
Oli: Yeah, yeah, I completely agree. I think the simplest, simplest definition of the law of attraction that I can give is that you just focus on what you do want instead of what you don’t want. And if you can train yourself to do that, and I agree meditation is like a super powerful way to do it. And also, yeah, for me, like writing helps me as well.
But anyway, if you can train yourself to focus on what you do want and to think about those things, then obviously you’re going to feel better, you’re going to be unblocked, and you’re going to be moving and flowing in the way that you want to. You’ve said that a lot of the resistance just comes from the world kind of hypnotizing us or conditioning us to think that, you know, the unreal stuff is real, and that we should care what other people think, and we should chase things that, you know, we don’t even really need my material goods or whatever it is.
What about at the level of our relationship with ourselves? So in the way that we relate to ourselves, is there anything that we’re doing that is, you know, causing us to just focus on the stuff we don’t want? And then to get more of that and to block ourselves and to not flow?
Avilasha: Yeah. So when you when you’re asking a question, the thought I had was like, when you said the best matrix, you know, defined law of attraction is to think what we want and focus on that. But it’s not easy. If I mean, it comes to me sometimes when you I have certain ones, okay, this is what I want. And the negative thought comes like, how that sounds so far fetched, or, you know, how will you get there?
Or where’s the money, you know? So I think for a personal level, it’s, it’s again, like, unreal, whatever belief system has been, what like, what I have told myself, like, since a long time, like, based on what I see, what is like the world that we see society will live we see like, certain people being successful and having this idea that, okay, this is how what success is, this is how you get there. Which is not true.
Because everybody has a different story, like you said earlier, that we all come from different experiences. And we cannot have one size fits all even when it comes to success. But that’s what is we tell ourselves, you know, because we see what what we see with what we believe, but in truth, that’s not that’s not truth. What we feel is what we like feeling is true. Like, if it feels, it’s feel right, it feels right. And if it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t. So instead of following that, you know, we don’t follow that we we we tell ourselves this small story of this is this is how it should be like if you start something, these are the steps which are already defined.
But why not create your own, you know, you create your own steps, but you’re not ready for that sometimes. So I think negative you know, believes that we hold in ourselves. That is what gets in the way.
Oli: I think so, yeah – you said something really important. I’ve never really thought about but it’s the thing that gets in the way or one of the things that gets in the way is one. Yeah, negative thinking. So maybe as soon as we decide, we want to achieve a certain thing.
So let’s just keep it simple. So we want to get a book published or something. As soon as we’ve decided that’s what we want, the negative thoughts might start creeping in saying, oh, well, you know, I’m not good enough to do this or this is not going to happen to somebody like me or, you know, blah, blah, blah, all these different scenarios where things can’t work out.
But then the other thing, which you’ve kind of alluded to is we start thinking about every little step along the way that’s going to get us where we want to be. And a lot of the time, all of that planning and all of that attachment to certain steps in order to achieve certain results is putting us in control of the whole process, which is actually impossible.
So you know what I mean? We can’t control all of those steps. So I’ve learned in my life that a more real approach is, okay, we know what we want. We know where we’re trying to get to.
We have a vision. We have a loose understanding of the milestones and the goals that we have to chase along the way there. But actually, we have no idea whatsoever how things are going to unfold. We know that they will unfold in the way we want them to if we keep going, but we don’t really know all the little details.
And so if we’re too attached to that, and we start thinking about those things and those steps and trying to control everything, that actually turns into a negative thing that just holds us back from getting where we want to be. Does that make sense? And so ultimately, it kind of comes down to faith or trust or something like that. Like, do you think that is a big part of it? Like, we need to have faith in the process, and that faith, or you can substitute faith for any word that works for you, but that faith requires us to kind of transcend our ideas about ourselves.
Avilasha: So yeah, I think what you said is absolutely right. Uh, faith because like even with law of attraction, they are telling us you must believe in what you ask for when believing itself is hard, right? It’s not like we wake up selling and we start believing in something that we don’t believe. It’s a process of believing. I feel like, you know, so, uh, for me, what I’ve started, you know, after a lot of, you know, believing in our self, like, you know, believing that if I, if I want something, it is going to happen. And the way I do it is by looking back at the past manifestations that yes, I will be taken care of.
I mean, this, if I, if I want something, you know, I have to allow and do one thing after the other, not try to get everything done all at once. Do what needs to be done at this moment and it will work out because, um, like even with the Earthlings concept, I always wanted to build something like this, but where I came from, I came a very different career. I never imagined I would be able to get there, but looking back, you know, it has all happened on its own. And when I stopped focusing too much on what’s happening and what’s not happening, that’s also like you said, resistance, like if I, if it’s like planting a seed and going and, you know, looking at how when, why is the seed not, you know, blooming? You know, yeah, it’s exactly what happened with me as well. So fate, I think it’s, it’s like, it has to be a very moment to moment conscious process of being aware.
And, um, yeah, like, you can’t have beliefs. I release it’s a process I feel for me.
Oli: Yeah. Yeah. Like, could, could you elaborate on that process? Like if you’ve, I don’t know if I’m putting you on the spot saying that, but like that process for the average person from, I suppose, a state of non-belief in ourselves and in life to actually believing and going with it, what, what does that look like?
Avilasha: Yeah. That’s, that’s a great question. Uh, for me, I used to be a complete non, I was, I was the complete opposite of what I am now. I did not believe in our half faith or I was very insecure, you know, trust issues, right? And then trusting or trusting the process is like, it’s just unbelievable, you know, the past self, right?
But the way I did it was taking one moment at a time, like, you know, setting smaller goals, like, okay, I want trust, I won’t get this done today and trusting myself that I will be shown, like I will get me, this is where inspired action comes to me. It’s like, you get into a state for me by via writing, I get in the state of receiving where I’m like, okay, if I want to do something, uh, and I don’t know what to do now.
That’s how that’s how faith is cultivated. So then I can ask myself, what do I want to do now? And following that want, when I’m following that want, then I, uh, I, after following what I want to do now, very organically, I receive another, okay, maybe I want to do this now and then doing it like one step at a time. And when you look back by the time the day is done, you will get your task accomplished and has happened to me all the time, not as a rating, but setting smaller goals. Because if I have a big idea and I cannot get it done today, it’s impossible. It’s like planting a seed. It’s a process.
I think even nature, that’s why I turn to nature for inspiration. It’s like you have to understand, like you cannot have everything. All of a sudden it has to be one step or 30 other. But if I can do smaller goals and that’s how can I can develop faith, but it’s not like I will a hundred percent faith because there will be moments where I will completely question myself and everything and getting into the negative thinking. And, but when that happens, what I have realized is not to engage because it’s again, if I keep trying to make sense of negative thinking, I will not get the answer right then.
But if I can sleep on it, I have a better vibration and I have more clear, more clarity when it comes to thought. So that’s how I, the process is, I think I hope I answered your question.
Oli: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s amazing. So it reminds me when I was a kid, this is a bit of a story, but like one night when I was a kid, like really young, I was like four or five years old, something like that. Like I wanted to watch some cartoons at nighttime, basically. So I went downstairs and it was late at night. My dad was watching TV and he said, you know, what are you doing? Get back to bed.
It’s really late, blah, blah, blah. And I told him that I wanted to watch some cartoons and he assumed that because it was so late, there were no cartoons on the TV. And so he started flicking through the TV channels. Actually, he said, I’m going to flick through the channels. If there’s a cartoon on, you can watch it. Otherwise you’re going back to bed. So he started flicking through the TV channels, assuming there’d be no cartoons on there.
He could send me back to bed. As he was flicking through those, his cartoon and the cartoon, it was just a baby, like suspended in the air, walking across this kind of valley between these two mountains. And every time the baby took a step, like some bricks would appear underneath its feet and it would start to make a bridge so he could walk across the valley. And it just kept walking and eventually it got all the way across. And the relevance to what you’re saying is, it’s kind of like that baby on the bridge.
I’m always thinking about this, this baby. I’ve never been able to find this cartoon again because basically by having that sort of innocent mindset where you can trust yourself overall, even though sometimes, you know, the negative stuff might creep in, you’ve got enough faith to take the next step and then the next step appears and then the next step appears and then the next step appears and you can just keep going like that. And that’s ultimately, you know, how real life works. I think.
But you can only do that if you trust or you’ve got the faith that we’re talking about. Yeah. Yeah.
So I don’t know what you think.
Avilasha: Yeah. If anything, that’s the perfect, you know, no, that’s a perfect image, image. Like you can say like, you know, exactly like the baby walking in innocence. And the next step appears. That’s exactly what I think I do believe what life should be.
That’s being an early at the same time. Like you are trusting a journey to take care of you, you know, and yeah, that’s exactly what I also believe in. Like what I said, that you have to trust the process enough to understand that it’s always going to be more. It’s like, I tell myself this that if I’m mountain climbing, and I want to reach the top of the mountain. And once I reach there, it’s not like my desires will stop. I will be I want to do more, right?
Maybe next mountain. It’s always going to be a process. It’s always going to be more, more, more. And it’s not like, you know, people say like, I become this and if somebody says that, you know, I’ve reached where I want to reach and it’s that’s false because after a point, you start asking for more. And similarly, if we can trust the process, you know, that journey becomes worthwhile.
We know we’ll fight less and we reach faster, I feel that’s something I’ve learned the hard way. And yeah.
Oli: Hmm.When we talk about trusting the process. Maybe this is opening things up a bit too much. But what exactly is it that we are trusting? Like people always talking about trust the process, trust the process. I agree with it.
6 million percent. Like that is how to live. We live by trusting the process of life, which is ultimately I think just about letting life carriers towards more wholeness or reality or whatever. But what exactly are we doing or trusting when we trust that process?
Avilasha: Trusting ourselves. I mean, we all have like this. That’s the thing that’s the God in us or the source or higher self, you know, just the inspiration which comes to us. Like also like, for example, I don’t know if you experienced this. I think you have because it reflects in what you create is that sometimes you get an idea. Okay. And then you follow that idea.
And then every step of the way you create like you are guided like maybe this. Yeah. Yeah. That’s the guidance. So what I call guidance or the inspiration.
That’s what we’re trusting. That is what is I also call flow of nature. You know, that’s the process that’s the inspiration that’s the trusting.
Oli: Yeah. That’s exactly it. So this flow of nature. I have found is applicable to all of us. So when we earlier on in this conversation, you know, I said the truth is the same for everyone. And part of that is that the laws of nature are the same for all of us. And if we want to be real, then we need to basically get rid of all the mental bullshit that is stopping us from moving and living with those laws.
And so, as we talk about trusting the process and getting better at trusting the process. All I think that really means is that we have become more aware of those laws. We have increased our understanding of the fact that those laws exist and that they play a role in our lives.
So one law that you’ve mentioned is the law of attraction. I think that’s a real thing. I think there’s a lot in like bullshit out there because people want it to be something.
It isn’t, but it’s a real thing. So basically, if you think about what you want, you’re going to move in that direction. Like we said, another one is just the law of cause and effect. And so if you want a certain thing, then if you want to achieve certain things, then that’s a cause and you need to live as the effect that’s going to get that because everything is a process, blah, blah, blah, blah. So as you’ve talked about getting better at trusting this process, are there any of these kind of natural laws that you’ve become aware of, apart from the law of attraction?
Avilasha: Yeah. The flow of nature, like even, you know, I think it’s very in intricately everything’s interlinked like law of attraction. Like for example, I want something, you know, like, which means that this is something which already has been manifested. And I, when I followed it, want I am in flow of nature and that’s law of attraction.
Right. So I don’t know what other laws are say like when you say, but, but this is what, like I feel is the real the truth. The truth is not something which is like what we want is the truth. Like truth feels good.
That’s what I have realized. Not like if it’s not something external, like truth is such something. Like, like, this is what I have to be objective.
This is what I’ve realized. Like if what I want means it is what works for me. And this is what is my truth. And if I follow that, that’s flow of nature. And I am going to get to where I want to be.
Like, for example, if suppose I want to be a billionaire, we all want to be right. But I’m not there yet. And I mean, I’m not there yet.
And it’s far fetched. But I’m not saying that I will not be. But it’s not like, for example, I have to, it’s a process and like if I keep following my wants right now and I keep doing that, and maybe in the long run, you know, I might reach there. So that’s, but if I have, if I want to be that really not like following some somebody said being a billionaire school. So you know, you want to be a billionaire.
What do you believe in? Like, do I really want to be there? Do I want? Yeah, I think it comes with it. Or do I just, what do I want?
So it’s just, yeah, that’s true. The one thing, meaning like you something that really feels right to you, like your own thing, you know, like, I have to interrupt and say something here. Like, for example, when I, I have this poetry or things is this another page I have where I talk about nature poetry and stuff. So there I often post from the poetry, poetry prompts and suppose I ask people to write about the moon, for example, the same moon, you know, is everybody has such different perspectives like same moon, but everybody’s writing so differently. So this is something that I’ve realized is even with wants and success and everything, everybody has their own view of the same thing.
But if we all have different stories, I know I hope that makes sense.
Oli: Yeah, it makes perfect sense.
Avilasha: Yeah.
Oli: Yeah. So everybody’s looking at the same reality or the same moon or the same truth, but we all have our own interpretations based on, you know, the filter that we’re viewing life through. And I think, you know, and the short version is that I think those interpretations and perceptions as well are just fragments of the whole truth, but we all have different fragments that we’re kind of working with – just because we’re all individuals – and by pushing through our individual path to more wholeness instead of fragmentation, that’s when we start to learn and grow and expand and all this kind of stuff that we’re talking about.
But just to backtrack a little bit, the question I was going to ask you is how do people know what they want or how do they find real intentions within themselves because one thing I’ve noticed is a lot of the time people think they want something, but actually it’s not them that wants it, it’s their social conditioning that wants it, or it’s their ego that wants it, or it’s their shame and trauma and all these different things that are inspiring them to try and fill a void within inside themselves.
And so when they start chasing that kind of stuff, it just causes more fragmentation instead of putting them on this path and this natural drive towards wholeness, which is the flow of nature and blah, blah, blah, I think. So a question is for you, how do people know if they want something real?
Avilasha: I think the law of attraction answers that. Whatever we manifest, whatever our current reality is, it’s completely based on our thoughts. So if somebody wants something which is real, how do you identify that?
For me, what works is writing it down. Getting real with myself is like what I want, I write it down and then I get to the point of feeling. It feels like this is what I really want, like you have to feel the joy. I think what is true one feels like joy. It’s not, it does not feel like any other thing, but like pure positive energy is what I would use the word. That’s how I identify this is, this is the real intention and not something just coming from ego or some, some other like sadness or trauma or because yeah, you’re right, it’s very hard to identify sometimes, you know, with the source of truth.
So also like, that’s why law of attraction plays such an important role because law of attraction gives us exactly what we’re asking for. Like if, for example, if I’m not, if I’m, if I don’t believe in the journey or something, I get more instances where like, for example, if I want something, which is coming from drama and it’s not truth, I will, the law of attraction will give me more of that. And then I’ll keep on thinking for more.
And till I get to the point where I have no choice but to be real with myself, I think it is that money is already inspiring us in that way.
Oli: Yeah. Do you think that always happens? I, some people, you know, they keep, there’s the famous saying that’s always getting thrown around, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. And a lot of people out there in the world are running around trying to create lives for themselves or build lives for themselves, where they’re just chasing things because of all the external, unreal things that we’ve already talked about. And eventually, they almost always do reach a point where they, you know, they just say to themselves, wow, you know, this isn’t working.
I need to change something. And that’s when they start to wake up. Or do you think some people just spend their whole lives running around in these unreal hamster wheel circles, and then just, you know, die miserable and frustrated? That’s not a very happy question.
Avilasha: I think a lot of people do that. They don’t just put their intuition and, you know, live on their lives and never satisfied. And I mean, yeah, but I feel like we always get an opportunity, like, like you said earlier, that well being or joy or whatever is our organic state, natural state of flow is happiness, joy. And we just do something to pinch it off.
Right. So, yeah, I think if for me, I think ever since I was young, I always felt like there’s more to life. And I started asking questions. And I feel like it’s very different for everybody. I don’t think that there is one answer to that. Like, there may be different triggers for different people. But sometimes a lot of people have this, how does I get to like, I try to understand how to answer this question. Can you can you again, like, exactly?
Oli: Yeah, so I suppose, yeah. So a different way of asking that question is if you keep getting the same results. So by which I mean, you’re getting results in life that you don’t necessarily like. So you get the same negative results. Then eventually, you would think that for most people, there’d be a point where they realize that the problem is them and the way that they’re thinking.
But a lot of the time, because people are so distracted, chasing all of these unreal things that they think they want, they don’t actually realize that they are the ones causing the problems in the first place.
And so do you think most of those people will just naturally, you know, have some kind of a breaking point one day where they wake up and realize, wow, okay, I need to change something? Or is it possible to just spend our whole lives just, you know, going around in those circles and then that’s it?
Avilasha: I think it’s again, depends on the person. A lot of people go through lives like that and die and never realize, I think they get another chance the next lifetime. I don’t know.
But I think some people do question and they wake up and get aware. And I think a lot of people who follow their creative passion or follow what gives them joy, I think they tend to wake up because for a moment there, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to choose what feels good to you and not run around.
I think when you’re insecure and that’s where I feel again, like everybody gets the opportunity every day to choose what is good for them. But every time, I think there are two different responses to this. Some people, you know, take the opportunity and make something, make their lives worthwhile. And some people fight it with resistance.
Yeah, I guess that’s the answer.
Oli: Yeah, I think like to kind of go full circle, it always comes back to the wholeness versus fragmentation thing. And I think the fragmentation or ego, resistance, whatever you want to call it, it.
That only comes about because we’re scared to face the truth about ourselves and to push through some of the uncomfortable emotions that we might have picked up in life that made us more fragmented than we needed to be in the first place. And this natural drive that we all have towards wholeness is actually the thing that we can tap into at any moment that is going to bring more joy into our lives.
Because actually, when I think about it, I think that feeling of joy is just a feeling of being connected to wholeness. And it just means that you’ve removed all of these mental barriers and blah, blah, blah. You got into the flow state and you feel joyful purely because you’re not holding onto that fragmentation.
And so if you can live like that, that’s when you can be in earthling in the way that you’re talking about, or you can be real in the way that I’m talking about, and then life just feels kind of amazing. So I don’t know if that makes sense. Like I’m kind of rambling a tad. I apologize.
Avilasha: Yeah, I think the thing is the way to being real. If when you chose to be in earthling, you get to be real and get to live a life where you are woke and aware.
Yeah, not go that social media way, but like really awake, not trying to be.
Oli: Because you’re choosing your nature. You’re choosing a nature. Yeah, exactly. Wow. We’ve been talking a long time, kind of. But we covered a lot, I think. Have you got any final words to just sum all this up? Like if you’re going to sum up this conversation, and the main points or the main lessons, like what might that be?
Avilasha: I think I felt like an entire conversation was about being an earthling and how to be real. Like we were talking the same things, like, but in different languages, like I use the earthling, you know, top is the way of trying to make sense of what I believe in about the truth of life. When you use the concept of unblocking your realness and connecting to the wholeness, which is joy, and being aware, right?
And I feel like to end it to it is like the only way, like I found the way which works for me is to connect to the wholeness, get to real and be an earthling, to follow what gives you joy. That’s how do I identify that is whatever, like when we come to this earth, we have so many options in front of us, you know, we could do whatever and we very organically choose what we like and what we don’t like.
And that becomes our passion. And what we don’t like, for example, if somebody wants to be an athlete or a player or wants to go into sports, and they are being told that, no, you know, you go into finance, for example, you know, like, they have developed their lives and dislikes, it’s completely different from what we do. I thought I’d give an example, which is very different from us, because we are creative people and sports and finance are not creative. But what I’m trying to think here is that, like, we develop our lives and dislikes very organically.
And if you can, we didn’t make any effort, you know, to identify them. So that is the inspiration, that is the process we trust that likes and dislikes are coming to organic. And if you can, if you can, you know, believe that like, if you can follow what gives us joy, passion, what we like, I think that’s the right right path. That’s where already being an earthling and being real as but the moment is don’t do that the moment we shut ourselves down. And we say that no, this doesn’t work, you know, I think I should choose this way of life for this success, this career, or this person, you know, like, that’s when we get unreal. And we pretend to live a life where we are, we’re not living anymore.
Like, like, for example, something I had, I had this thought earlier today, like, only a robot who doesn’t have emotions will be like, they will choose what’s the best selling route to living an ideal life. But because when somebody tells you, this is what’s the weather most money is at. So you follow that. We can’t live that we will at some point, you know, we will hate it, you know, we will have our desire, we’ll want to do something else. So I think being an earthling being real is also understanding that we have emotions are very real. And I think emotions and feelings are our compass towards living the life that is true to us or being true to ourselves or why we are on this earth for the in the first place.
Oli: Wow. So it’s about following your is the Joseph Campbell thing of you that goes is follow your bliss. It’s kind of if you do that, you’re going to be in touch with your nature. And then you can be an earthling and then everything will be amazing.
Avilsaha: So not really. Not all amazing. I mean, but with the alive and all a robot.
Oli: Yes. Yeah, I was just been a bit cheeky saying the amazing thing. Yeah, you get the whole human experience. Should we put it that way?
Avilsha: Yeah. Yeah, I guess.
Oli: This been really good. Where can people find you like on the internet or where you’re from?
Avilasha: Yeah, so if you’re on Instagram. And my website is earthlings: So if you go there, everything is there like all the social media and the magazine and the I also have a podcast which I’m working on. So I hope you know, you, you know, agree to be a guest someday. So and see you on there.
Oli: Absolutely. Yeah. Okay, well, I’ll share all that, you know, your information and stuff in the show notes. But I will ask you, thank you so much once again, it’s been awesome. Thank you.