Creative Status: Deconstruct ego, integrate the shadow, manifest real life. - Page 10

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to grow towards wholeness so you can live a REAL life.

In general, this involves a three-step process:

1) Deconstructing the EGO - looking at how your fragmented beliefs hold you back from yourself and life and how your conditioned sense of identity might keep you in this state.

2) Facing and Integrating the SHADOW - exploring how the creative process allow you to move towards self-acceptance and owning the hidden/disowned parts of yourself.

3) Manifesting a REAL LIFE - moving towards your greatest vision for your life.


Creative Status: Episode 10: Peter Nicholls: Enjoy It or Die!

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to increase your status and improve your health, wealth, and relationships.

You did not come here to have a ‘bad’ time 👇

A piece of advice that’s always thrown around when it comes to changing our lives for the better is to “know your values”.

I throw that advice around myself because it WORKS (as long as you translate those values into BEHAVIOURS).

If you want to save yourself a lot of time and cut to the chase then make an effort to make ‘JOY’ one of your core values (because it already is) and to make space each day to actually enjoy yourself.

What that looks like in the context of your life will be up to you but you’ll know that it’s REAL because JOY itself is the state we find ourselves in when we remove all of the mental blocks and useless emotions that keep us from ourselves and life.

There are so many MISCONCEPTIONS in our world about enjoying ourselves:

-People will tell you that it’s SELFISH.

Even though it’s NOT because when you enjoy yourself it’s CONTAGIOUS and allows others to feel good too.

It also allows you to know your REAL SELF which is the most valuable thing you have to GIVE others (you can’t poor from an empty cup).

-People will tell you it’s a WASTE of time.

When it isn’t: doing things that crush your soul and dehumanise you is the real waste of time.

Society wants you to take DRUDGERY seriously so you’ll be obedient and do what your told (to make other people rich so they can enjoy themselves).

Whenever you ENJOY yourself you are using your time WISELY.

Peter Nicholls is a life enjoyment mentor and author who has realised that life doesn’t come to a screeching halt once you get over the bell curve of being ‘old’…

Despite officially retiring from the rat race more than twenty years ago, he has uncovered that we can keep growing real and loving our lives by tuning into our natural abilities, doing more of the things we enjoy, and stepping away from all of the social conditioning and BS that tells us life ‘should’ be a certain way.

What Peter talks about in his podcast (the Enjoyment Factor) and in his work with clients is timeless wisdom that applies to all of us – if you want a better understanding of the human condition and the human experience then this conversation has a ton of valuable insights that will help you to enjoy life more, find a sense of purpse, and stay inspired whilst you’re at it.

Peter is living proof of the mantra I’m always throwing around on these podcast episodes (and elsewhere): REAL ALWAYS WORKS.

Check out this awesome episode on the player above or on whatever podcast platform you use!

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Creative Status: Episode 9: Charna Cassell: Trauma & Transendence

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to increase your status and improve your health, wealth, and relationships.

The most addictive thing on the planet is EGO ?

When I’m coaching people I often see them struggling with an addiction to their own sense of identity/ego/personality/whatever you want to call it.

This wouldn’t be a problem if their ego ‘stuff’ actually served them and helped them to ACCEPT themselves and life unconditionally but 9 times out of 10 it’s formulated as a DENIAL of the real self and a refusal to embrace life as life itself.

When we’ve identified in this UNREAL way then we just end up creating FRICTION, FRUSTRATION & MISERY for ourselves that prevents us from getting where we WANT to be.

When we don’t understand that an UNREAL personality is just a survival response to the shame, guilt, and trauma that we’ve been through then we fall into two TRAPS:

1. We think that we actually ARE this (shame/guilt/trauma) RESPONSE and so everything we do in life is FILTERED through this false identity and the assumptions about ourselves, the world, and reality that come with it.

In this state, when we try and make changes in our lives, we just end up ‘rearranging the furniture on the Titanic’ and rearranging the SYMPTOMS of this fundamental problem (a sense of DISCONNECTION from ourselves).

2. We think that our personality is ‘fixed’ and so we don’t realise that we can REPLACE WHAT DOESN’T SERVE US with something REAL that does.

More often that not, this is a process of UNLEARNING all of the things that we’ve put in our own way.

In both cases, because we’re dealing with an ADDICTION, it will be HARD to change our habits and we may have to chip away at it several times before we get where we need to be.

One way to overcome this is to create a DAILY PRACTICE that will help us to realign ourselves and to BECOME who we want to be.

Charna Cassell is the host of the Laid Open Podcast and the founder of the Center for Passionate Living – she uses a lot of holistic and somatic techniques to support people in this area but her work ultimately explores bridging the gap between the sex-positive and trauma healing worlds.

I dissovered Charna’s work via her podcast and I wanted to reach out and talk to her about some of the ideas she’s shared around the journey from trauma to transcendence. This is a path that’s come up many times already on Creative Status (and will again because it’s so fundamental to the human journey) but I really love Charna’s ability to humanise and give practical steps for walking this path and growing more whole.

If you want to understand the mechanics of deconstructing trauma in our lives and using creativity as a vehicle for doing so then this conversation will really help you.

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Creative Status: Episode 8: Martin Whiskin: The Crossroads Between Real & Unreal

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to increase your status and improve your health, wealth, and relationships.

The only CHOICE in life is between REAL and UNREAL 👇

It sounds simple (because it is) but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be EASY – this whole place is designed to make you THINK you’re somebody else and to cause you to FORGET about your strength so that you’ll let ‘them’ (society) tell you what to do.

When we get caught up in our emotional ‘stuff’ and false ideas about who we are it causes inner friction and dissonance that causes us to live out a FAKE STORY of our own lives.

This fake story is UNREAL because it puts us on a path of being TOLD WHO WE ARE instead of going on the REAL PATH and actually FINDING OUT for ourselves.

The unreal path comes with a plethora of ‘shoulds’ and almost always sends you to the WAGE CAGE:

-You ‘SHOULD’ get a 9-5 job no matter what.

-You ‘SHOULD’ be grateful for the opportunity to make the boss rich.

-You ‘SHOULDN’T’ complain or want more from life.

Though the wage cage and the ‘security’ it brings (at the cost of your REALNESS) might work for some people, it doesn’t work for everybody in the way that REALITY does.

When you CHOOSE a REAL PATH of going out and finding what you’re capable of then you’ll have more to GIVE than you first imagined and you can build a TRIBE of people that share your values and actually want to have FUN.

Martin Whiskin used to be a shy guy slaving away in the wage cage until he was made redundant and had a decision to make: Should he play it safe and find another job like the one he’d lost or should he take a gamble on himself and go find out who he really is?

Luckily for us, Martin took the gamble and now he’s a successful voice over artist with his own business, more free time, and more confidence.

In this episode of Creative Status, Martin opens up and gives a candid and insightful account of his journey – by unpacking it, we learn about the unreal versus real paths we can take in our lives, the attitude required to walk one or the other, and the capacity we all have to step up and find out who we really are instead of just being told what to do.

If you’re at a crossroads in your life, finding it hard to make a decision or commitment, or want to go deeper into your own creativity then this is an episode for you.

Listen now using the player above or on  your favourite podcast app!

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Creative Status: Episode 7: Bracha Goetz: Gratitude, Giving, & Transcendence

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to increase your status and improve your health, wealth, and relationships.

If you struggle to be creative try being more GRATEFUL 👇

If we can embody gratitude then we’re able to be OPEN to ourselves, the world, and reality and to allow the natural DRIVE that we all have inside of ourselves to make the UNCONSCIOUS CONSCIOUS as we crystalise the truth to the greatest extent possible.

When we CLOSE ourselves to life because of our limiting beliefs, mental and emotional distortions, and false assumptions about life, then we just end up putting obstacles in our own PATH that prevent us from really moving with life and letting all of the CONSCIOUS ‘stuff’ that we think we know define the LIMITS of our life.

When we get caught up in our conscious IDEAS about life then we cause ourselves to limit ourselves with the ILLUSIONS of separation and independence that come from fragmenting ourselves.

These illusions block us from growth but also from our true potential and other people by creating a BUBBLE for us to live in that attempts to keep us in a place we don’t really want to be (the ‘ego’ projected out and reflected back at us).

One way out of this and to start LIVING and CREATING again is to practice GRATITUDE.

When you can be grateful for life – you open yourself up to your natural state of GIVING and RECEIVING because you step out of illusory separation and independence and find yourself in the INTERPLAY again.

Bracha Goetz is a prolific children’s author who uses her books to explain big ideas with little words in a simple but profound way.

She has written 42 (and counting!) books which are mainly focused on the theme of helping kids to understand their own inner light and then shine it out into the world.

In this episode of Creative Status we had an incredibly energetic exploration of the relationship between creativity, gratitude, and transcendence as well as a number of other scintillating insights along the way.

Ultimately, the main learning is that the way into real life is to be open to life and that if we can use this openness to GIVE something from our creativity then we’ll also increase the odds of receiving real life too.

To me it felt like the energy in this conversation kept spiralling upwards as we kept unpacking things and making new connections – hopefully, it will energise you too and help you to cultivate a deeper connection with your own creative afflatus. 

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Creative Status Episode 6: Brenden Kumarasamy: Death, Urgency, & Vision

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to increase your status and improve your health, wealth, and relationships.

If you wanna be more creative then move FAST 👇

One of the main barriers to growing or getting RESULTS from our creativity is overthinking, doubting, or hesitating.

Almost always this tendency to overthink and hold back is a consequence of two things:

1. The self-hypnotic slumber we put ourselves into because of our underlying emotional ‘stuff’ and the stories it tells us about who we are and what life is.

2. The social conditioning we’ve picked up on our journey that tells us what is and isn’t ‘possible’ as well as what’s expected of us (i.e. what we “should” be doing besides using our creativity to become more REAL).

When we have this kind of ‘stuff’ going on then we just end up blocking our own creative FLOW which stops us getting the results we want with our creative work and – on a deeper level – in LIFE itself.

A QUICK way to circumvent these barriers is to give yourself a quick REALITY CHECK by remembering that you’re going to be DEAD one day.

When you reflect on the nature of life itself and you realise that it’s FLEETING then you can awaken to the fact that your TIME is precious and act with a sense of URGENCY.

If you can put yourself in this creative state, you realise that you don’t have time to worry and hold yourself back with illusions and can just go out and DO the real stuff.

Brenden Kumarasamy is a public speaking coach who helps ambitious people to become the best speakers in their industries.

His YouTube channel – MasterTalk – is one of the most popular in his niche and he’s helped literally hundreds if not thousands of people to use communication to reach their personal and professional goals.

Join us for a candid conversation about how real communication starts with ourselves, the transformations and obstacles we can expect on the creative journey, and the importance of embracing the reality of DEATH so that we can act with urgency and live the life we really want to be living before it’s too late.

This was an insightful conversation that brought the energy and will give you some clarity about moving forward in your own life and growing real.

Listen at or use the embedded player above.



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Creative Status Episode 5: John Grindle: Beautiful Distractions, Fun, and Reality

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to increase your status and improve your health, wealth, and relationships.

Learn to look out for the BEAUTIFUL DISTRACTIONS ?

There are two types of distractions in life:

1. The UNREAL DISTRACTIONS (FRAGMENTATION)- these always take us away from reality and ourselves: our self-limiting beliefs, the roles we play and get caught up in, the unreal tasks and activities that SUCK into our time and eat away at our souls, etc.

2. The BEAUTIFUL DISTRACTIONS (WHOLENESS)- which are actually just REALITY calling out to us from between the cracks in the matrix we try and project over everything in order to keep hiding.

In fact, the beautiful distractions aren’t a distraction at all – they’re just an OPPORTUNITY to return to your real self and your real life and to start moving towards WHOLENESS again.

If you can learn to listen and RESPOND then you’ll see that those beautiful distractions are everywhere – you just have to go with them and TRUST that they’ll take you where you need to go (…and they always do).

John Grindle is the Chief Purveyor of Fun at Grindle Events in San Diego where he works to connect teams one smile at a time! By (re)introducing fun into people’s lives he helps them to have a better relationship with themselves so that they can have better relationships with other and get better results as a team.

In this conversation, we explored the mechanics of how people become conditioned to hide from their REAL selves, how being spontaneous is often a shortcut to humanising ourselves, and how sometimes we have to follow the BEAUTIFUL DISTRACTIONS of life if we want something true to emerge.

If you want to understand how bringing more fun to your life can unblock you and help you get better results from yourself and the people in your life then start here (listen above on the player or find Creative Status on your favourite podcast app).



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Creative Status Episode 4: Olly Hermon-Taylor: Head, Heart, & Belief Systems

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to increase your status and improve your health, wealth, and relationships.

Creativity is about becoming more WHOLE 👇

That’s because the creative journey – in art, design, or LIFE – is always about the same thing:

Refining our relationship between our IDEAS and EXPERIENCE in the furnace of REALITY.

You can only ride the reality waves to the other side of this process and become more WHOLE if you’re able to balance your relationship with ORDER and CHAOS.

The short-version is that it goes like this:

At the start of a creative journey, we find ourselves with a certain set of ideas and assumptions about ourselves, the world, and reality.

Either to solve a problem or to express ourselves and bring something to the surface (the two main creative drives we ALL have), we’ll set out on the creative path with an idea about the ORDER we’ll be bringing to our lives through creativity.

Of course, “THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY” so as we set out on the path our self-defined sense of ORDER will be met with the heart of CHAOS itself and that’s when the fun really begins.

If we can ride through that creative conflict we can allow something ORIGINAL (to us – “there is nothing new under the sun”) to emerge and to refine ourselves and our ideas to become more whole.

Olly Hermon-Taylor is a communications and innovation consultant helping people to tell better stories about their lives and businesses by reconnecting to their core humanity in a disconnected world.

Get a cuppa ready and join us on a journey of exploration into reality itself, the nature of our minds and bodies and how we can improve our lives by aligning the two, how we can reconfigure or belief systems to live better lives, how to reconnect to nature and live with less distraction, and a ton more.

This was a really scintillating conversation for me that helped forge some new connections between ideas an insights and reminded me how important it is to strip unnecessary complexity from our lives – if you want to go deeper into yourself and your creative way of living then this is an episode for you!


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Creative Status Episode 3: Anthony Trahair: Play, Risk, and Humanity

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to increase your status and improve your health, wealth, and relationships.

To be truly alive you need to SHOW UP in life 👇

Many of the problems in our lives stem from spending too much time in our heads and trying to ‘force’ everything through conceptual ideas, plans, and ego.

Of course, we need ideas and plans to get places but – if we’re not careful – we can get so caught up in our heads that it stops us showing up as our REAL, human selves.

This is where the concept of PLAY comes in…

When you (re)learn to play you learn a lot of important skills for REAL LIFE:

-You can respond to the moment and be spontaneous.

-You can learn to TRUST yourself and life.

-You can handle the UNCERTAINTY that comes with ‘being’.

-You can get a grip of your BODY and what it’s capable of.

-You can learn to take RISKS which are essential for life and creativity.

Anthony Trahair ( is an author, life coach, and juggler who specialises in helping people and communities to reconnect to their humanity via playfulness.

He runs workshops and events designed to help people get out of their heads, into their bodies, and back into life by rediscovering creative human values like trust, connection, and presence.

In latest episode of Creative Status, we explore the nature of ‘play’ itself, how you can implement a play philosophy in your daily life to improve your wellbeing, the importance of being able to take risks and ride through uncertainty in order to grow more real, and many other things along the way.

This is an empowering conversation that will inspire you to get out there and do that ‘thing’ you’ve been meaning to do or – at the very least – start looking for new ways to play with life instead of taking it so seriously.

Listen at or on your favourite podcast platform.

Go BE in the world, don’t just DO or HAVE.



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Creative Status Episode 2: Felipe Zamana: Creativity, Curiosity, Questions, and Chaos

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to increase your status and improve your health, wealth, and relationships.

Felipe Zamana is an author who writes about why we should take creativity more seriously and why a lot of our cultural and personal ideas about creativity are limited.  In this episode of Creative Status, he joins me on an exploration of what exactly creativity is and – more importantly – how we can bring more creativity into our lives by developing an attitude that’s more aligned with our own nature and reality.

Join us as we look at some of the common misconceptions people have around creativity, how we need to open up to our interdependence with others to be more creative, how society and culture can shape our creative output, and how simple questions can be some of the most powerful ways to open up our lives and mix it up.

This was a powerful and insightful conversation for me and if you’re looking to bring more creativity into your life and start getting yourself better results then it will help you get moving and to build momentum.


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Creative Status Episode 1: Flow, Freedom, Chaos, and Creativity With Sabrina Lindner

Creative Status is a podcast about using your creativity to increase your status and improve your health, wealth, and relationships.

In this episode of Creative Status,  life coach Sabrina Lindner and I discuss the ins-and-outs of the creative FREE FLOW state and how we can tweak our lives and mindsets to spend more time in this amazingly creative place to improve our lives and get the kind of results we really want.

Along the way, we also explore creative ways to figure out our real values, how to walk the fine line between order and chaos, how people have misconceptions that give reality a ‘bad’ reputation and hold themselves back from life, the relationship between creativity and the shadow self and a load more insights that you can start implementing right away.

If you want to understand the practical side of ‘unblocking’ yourself creatively then this episode will definitely get you on the right track.


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