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Take the ‘Whatever’ Pill: Trust and Believe You Can Handle Whatever Comes Next.


There’s the blue pill, the red pill, and then the big boy: the WHATEVER pill.

You take the blue pill and you stay in your little day dream… The MATRIX of your ego and a sense of disconnection and restlessness as you hide your SHADOW ‘stuff’ from yourself and ‘live’ in your own comfort zone.

You take the red pill and you wake up… You get AWARENESS of the truth about life and how things work – you can see through the VEILED VEIL (of your limited perception and interpretation).

AWARENESS will only take you so far though… Yeah, you can see and UNCOVER the truth but unless you actually work to ACCEPT the truth and then ACT on it then you’re cutting yourself of from your potential and the excitement of living and being connected to the REAL WORLD.

There are two things you need to do to live a REAL life:

1. Uncover the truth
2. Live the truth

To do this you have to walk the road from AWARENESS to ACCEPTANCE to ACTION (and then keep walking it going deeper into the truth each time).

It works EVERY time but it won’t work if you only become ‘aware’.

The final pill is the WHATEVER PILL and you can only take it if you’ve gained enough awarness and acceptance to TRUST and BELIEVE in yourself NO MATTER WHAT (because you’ve become unshakeable – see my post on abundance mindset).

When you truly trust and believe you’re ready for anything that comes next because you know you can HANDLE it in the sense of not being shaken from yourself and true SELF-ACCEPTANCE.

When people don’t take the WHATEVER pill then they become too SCARED of RISK to do what they really want to do with their lives.

They become scared to go out there and take ACTION because they fear the CONSEQUENCES of self-perceived failure or having people say things about them or whatever else their ego and its fears can convince them of and project forward int an UNKNOWN future.

When you project these hypothetical ‘what ifs’ forward without taking the WHATEVER PILL then you forget that you’ll still be capable of TRUSTING AND BELIEVING no matter what so no consequences really matter.

You can handle it.

Take the WHATEVER PILL and it gives you the superpower of knowing that you can handle WHATEVER is next.




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Focusing Too Much On Your Healing Makes You Sick


Over-identifying with anything makes you sick.

Everything in life is about BALANCE and finding peace as you walk the tightrope between tension and release:

What goes UP must come DOWN and that applies in ALL areas of our lives – if we get too caught up in the PERCEIVED importance of something then it just ends up taking us into the realm of ILLUSIONS.

All illusions bring TENSION and – on a long enough timeline – that tension always finds a way to be released…whether you’re ready for it or not.

One area where people can bring unnecessary tension to their lives is in the area of their own ‘healing’.

This is a tricky realm because as soon as you identify with healing you also identify with its opposite – ‘sickness’.

We can say this because ‘healing’ and ‘sickness’ leave us stuck on the two horns of the same bull of DUALITY – in other words, it brings us to the realm of value judgments and ideas about life instead of life itself in all its REALNESS (which is beyond dualism and the ideas of ‘good’ and ‘bad’).

The truth about life as it unfolds on the VEILED MATRIX of the conceptual is that:


We may like to believe that life is a simple case of black and white opposites like ‘good’ and ‘bad’ or ‘healed’ and ‘sick’ but it never is – it’s SHADES OF GREY and you can never have one without embracing the other.

If you become OBSESSED or too focused on your ‘healing journey’ then all you really end up doing is reminding yourself that you’re SICK (or why else would you be on the journey).

Every time you do that yoga workout for the sake of releasing your trauma, you’re reminding yourself that the sickness is there.

Every time you try and be ‘vulnerable’ and start spilling your guts out, you’re reminding yourself of your own (perceived) weakness.

The TRUTH is that you don’t need to DO ANYTHING to be healed – you just need to let go of the IDEAS that make you believe in your own sickness.

Nor do you need anybody else to ‘heal’ you – that’s impossible because anybody who thinks they’re your ‘healer’ must be sick too (because of duality).

The only sickness is EGO (and that’s never REAL).



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Obsession Will Send You to the Nut House but Devotion Will Take You Home


Nothing in this world is worth being obsessed over.

The word ‘obsess’ goes back to late Middle English when it meant to be “haunted or possessed by an evil spirit”.

Maybe that’s still an apt description because when people are caught up in the throes of obsession not only do they lose themselves and their minds but they’ve also given themselves over to some dark power in themselves.

Obsession is UNREAL because it always has the EGO involved – in other words, the only reason anybody would be obsessed with anything is because of some FALSE IMAGE of themselves, the world, or reality.

The ‘evil spirits’ driving this obsession are usually just our unresolved emotional ‘stuff’ (in the form of shame, guilt, and or trauma and the FEAR and/or ANGER that accompanies these demons).

If you’re OBSESSED with something it means that you’re denying parts of yourself (because they’re hidden in your SHADOW) and so you project out certain qualities or ambitions onto the object of your obsession (aka ‘a Unicorn’ – see my book Shadow Life).

The most common things people become obsessed with are:

-Other people, especially in RELATIONSHIPS where we trick ourselves into thinking somebody is the answer to all our prayers (really just our ego’s way of protecting it’s illusions so we don’t have to grow through shadow) instead of growing REAL with them.

-Our own goals, because we’ve become OUTCOME-DEPENDENT and think we can only love ourselves if we attain whatever that goal is.

-The past, because we haven’t been able to find CONCEPTUAL closure and so our brain races around as the demons feed on our energy.

-Certain hobbies or material objects, because we’ve lost touch with our true sense of PURPOSE and need a substitute.

Any OBSESSION will eventually drive you CRAZY because it’s unreal.

If you wanna be REAL, you need to find a relationship, goal, or sense of purpose that you can be DEVOTED to.

The word ‘devotion’ means to make HOLY (WHOLE).

If the ego is made of FRAGMENTS then obsession is just about being further DIVIDED and detached from life because obsession is ego to the extreme.

Devotion is about dedicating yourself to what’s WHOLE in yourself, the world, and REALITY.



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Your World is Just a Movie Set You Built Because of the Script You Follow


Most of us are movie stars without even realising it.

That doesn’t mean we’re gonna end up saving the world or running around in front of exploding buildings (though never say never), but it does mean that we’re following a SCRIPT that was written by somebody else.

Unfortunately, unlike that Hollywood star or starlet our scripts are followed unknowingly – on autopilot – and the director isn’t sat shouting directions at us on a megaphone but is hidden deep down in the SHADOWS of our unconscious.

This script was usually INSTILLED within us sometime in childhood – usually because of our parents or other ‘authority’ figures and the way that they affected our levels of TRUST in them, ourselves, and the world.

If these levels of trust become SKEWED or DISTORTED – usually because we end up engaging with some kind of ASSHOLES that are too busy projecting their own unresolved ‘pain’ out into the world – then it distorts our view of ourselves and gives us a set of false ASSUMPTIONS about things to live out the course of our lives according to (This is ‘The Script’).

If the assholes that screwed up your childhood (forgive them anyway – they didn’t know what they were doing) caused you to doubt yourself, the world, and reality then the script you’ll be following from beneath the shadows will go something like this:

“The world is a dangerous place that doesn’t have my best interests at heart”.

“Life is unfair and nobody can be trusted”.

“I’m not good enough to be loved/appreciated/whatever”.


These CORE ASSUMPTIONS will cause you to run on autopilot so that you can keep hiding from the shame, guilt, and/or trauma that binds you to them.

Living according to these assumptions (without necessarily knowing) will cause you to have a set of UNREAL BELIEFS that are grounded in them.

It goes a bit like this:

Unresolved Emotional ‘Stuff’ -> Core Assumptions about self/world/reality -> Beliefs ->’World’

In other words, THE WORLD IS NOT REALITY but a layer that you project over reality based on the SCRIPT you’re following.

If you can change the CORE ASSUMPTIONS that fuel the script you’re following you can change the shape of your world.

Direct your own movie.


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You’re Either Real or Unreal: There is No In Between


Self-confidence comes from having a relationship with something bigger than yourself:

-It might be a mission or a set of values that gives you strength (or at least takes your mind off thinking all the time).

-It might be a sense of CONNECTION to everything else in the form of love, God, source, divinity or whatever else you wanna call that ‘spiritual’ side of life (which is REAL af).

-It might be a sense of DUTY or SERVICE to some cause that you care about like your family or your country or whatever else.

In all these cases – and any like them – your confidence comes from being CARRIED OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF and realising that it’s never your ideas about ‘YOU’ that give you anything but the things that ask you to step outside your ideas.

The reason it works like this is because your ideas about yourself, the world, and reality are always UNREAL because no idea can truly encapsulate the feeling of being ALIVE.

When we’re caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle busyness of our lives we can forget this and start to think that we live at different levels of REALNESS or UNREALNESS depending on what we’re doing with ourselves.

The truth, however, is that WE’RE ALWAYS REAL because what is real can never be added to, removed from, destroyed or healed (with some ‘self development journey’, for example).

The problem is that we can forget this and think that we need to fix ourselves or others (or blame them) and to do this we try and FORCE ourselves to have confidence in ourselves.

This hardly ever works, though, because trying to find confidence in yourself means trying to find confidence in IDEAS and ideas are never REAL.

When you find something bigger than just your ideas about who you are to give you confidence then you STEP OUT of the illusion of self and remind yourself of your own REALNESS.

This is because you start MOVING again instead of being locked in STATIC ideas and become connected to the flow again…

What is real is always real and it always MOVES – this applies to ‘YOU’ too:

You’re either moving with something bigger than you that’s REAL or you’re lost in UNREAL ideas about yourself, the world, and reality.

There is no in between.


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You Deal With Your Childhood Wounds by Being an Adult


Nobody gets out of childhood totally unscathed.

It has to be this way because childhood is about being WHOLE – or at least SPONTANEOUS – and the world we’re brought up in is designed for FRAGMENTS and HESITATION.

Think about how many times you probably heard the word “NO” when you we’re growing up:

“NO, you can’t go play in the road.”

“NO, you can’t stay up all night”.

“NO, you can’t wear that Spiderman outfit to the supermarket.”

Maybe it’s a good thing that the world wears us down with ‘No’?

If we all were just so open minded that our brains fell out then the world would end up being a lunatic asylum for free range clowns… Oh, wait – we got that anyway. Maybe ‘No’ isn’t the best option.

The problem is that ‘NO’ just ends up wounding people and creating ‘broken’ adults (i.e. emotional retards – people whose INNER CHILD isn’t intergated and throws a constant temper tantrum when reminded of its seminal ‘wounds’).

It wounds people because they hear ‘NO’ at three main levels:

Shame: Where they receive a ‘NO’ at the level of their very being and their inherent value (usually because of some BS physical thing or personality quirk).

Guilt: Where they receive a ‘NO’ at the level of their actions or the situations they’ve found themselves in (like being born, for example).

Trauma: Where they receive a heavy’NO’ from some external force in the face of their own power and human capacity.

We all have some of this stuff going on to some extent when we go out into the world and how we deal with it is what most affects the course of our lives and who we become in the face of the world.

If we allow those ‘NO’ echoes to linger and internalise the feelings of shame, guilt, and/or trauma then we end up hiding behind the mask of adulthood whilst a WOUNDED child mopes about behind the scenes feeling lost and alone.

Instead of protecting and helping the child, we end up – in this state – trying to protect the mask instead but all that means is we don’t face the FEELINGS that wounded us and stay in this lost child state.

The solution is to be an ADULT and take RESPONSIBILITY over hiding. Only then can we face what we’ve been hiding from and reclaim our POWER.



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The Truth Will Make You Humble, Not Arrogant

It is what it is and you either accept it or you don’t.

The truth is WHOLE and if it’s whole then by definition there can only be ONE.

We like to forget this – or even resist the idea completely – because it allows us to feel good about ourselves and stay in our comfort zones.

We like to think that our own INTERPRETATIONS of the fragmented reality we perceive around us is the end of the line but it’s not and never will be.

Our interpretations are interpretations and the TRUTH is the TRUTH.

You can see how this works when two people get caught up in a debate and there are THREE sides to the story:

1-The interpretation of person number one (fragments)

2-The interpretation of person number two (fragments)

3-The actual TRUTH (the WHOLE).

People like to keep the stories that they want to believe about themselves in place. That’s it.

All this really means though is that they have CREATED a story that appears to have an impenetrable INTERPRETATION of the truth built into it that allows them to feel ‘RIGHT’ about things.

When you want to be ‘right’ all the time it just means that you’re over-invested in the STORY you already picked up from the PAST and have no interest in writing a new one.

In this mode, you are lost in your ego and denying your REALNESS in truth every step of the way – you have made an IDOL of the truth itself and think that it is something that exists to serve your EGO and its arrogance.

This couldn’t be further from the truth though as the ego is the direct opposite of reality in truth – it’s a cocktail of LIES and its arrogance is what keeps you from the RELEASE of surrender to the flow of LIFE that fills the soul of your veins without you even knowing.

Using the ‘truth’ to be right all the time can only lead to arrogance and arrogance is the opposite of your REALNESS because when you’re real you don’t need to be ‘more than’ human.

The best relationship with the truth is the one that humbles you by showing you that you’re WRONG.

Only when you’re wrong can you let the light of insight in and LEARN who you really are and what you’re capable of.

That’s better than anything arrogance can ever believe.


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If You Haven’t Been ‘Happy’ Since the Womb then You’ll Try and Turn the World into One


Sometimes, our lives are a mess because we’re bitter that we had to leave the womb.

I know that might sound a bit much but hear me out:

For the average human being, life goes something along the lines of this:

1. We’re conceived and find ourselves in the womb where all of our needs are met IMMEDIATELY and we don’t have to do anything to have it happen (because we’re connected to the WHOLE).

2. Nine months later we’re DRAGGED kicking and screaming into a state of DISCONNECTION and are introduced to the world.

3. Our needs are met when we CRY (if we’re lucky and have a good mother) so we feel a bit more CONNECTED again.

4. Eventually, we are sent into the world to fend for ourselves as a singular, FRAGMENTED creature that may have moments of WHOLENESS but – ultimately – it’s just us and a few moments of connection until we DIE.

Jeezus, that sounds bleak but it’s not all doom and gloom:

If you can WAKE YOURSELF UP and learn to be REAL then you can find a sense of purpose for yourself that allows you to flow with reality and GROW more whole again.

The way that we can do this is by finding some sort of ‘spiritual’ path to walk on that makes sense in the context of our lives and leads us back to ourselves.

The problem – for many people – is that they confuse spirituality (or whatever you wanna call it) with that LOST FEELING they miss from back in the womb.

This unconscious drive to return to the womb state DISTORTS their view of reality and causes them to try and turn their WORLD into a womb as a substitute.

Such a world is supposed to have the following features:

-Needs are met IMMEDIATELY without any effort.

-Cause and effect have no authority here because everything is connected to the NEEDS of the person at the centre of it.

-All you have to do is ‘think’ it and it will happen.

-There is no friction or tension to grow through because everything is perfect all the time.

-Passivity is rewarded more than ACTIVITY.

-If you CRY, you shall receive.


People with unconscious ‘Womb Nostalgia’ shape their world around the needs of their EGO.

All they end up doing is creating a bubble that will BURST at which time they’ll GIVE BIRTH TO THEMSELVES.


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The Drama Killer: Growing Real Through Conflict

How to avoid unnecessary drama and BS in life by living real through conflict.

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